This is for 12-16 players, if less it will not be fun so check it out. YouTube - Halo 3 - Map - Hexdrix
Sorry mate, but you've posted your map incorrectly. You need at least one picture for the map post to be of standards. Use this thread for help. I've watched the video, but pictures cater for people with lower speed connections, so please, try and get your pics up by tomorrow.
i did put pics on it, its showing that its a broken URL or something, i did the thing but its a broken picture is down for the time being. They ran out of memory/space and cannot host shots on other sites. You're going to have to embed the old way if you want to keep this thread unlocked.
Oh lawd you guys was it really neccessary for you guys to talk back and forth about his pictures? Seriously.... Well, as for aundre skribble and your map post without your pictures, here you go and I hope these were the pictures you took for your map.....
Wow. That actually looks awesome. I love the layout and the way you've used the corner walls. However, the Gauss 'Hogs seem a tad overkill. Wouldn't it be better to have, say, a single Scorpion somewhere where both teams had to fight for it? Anyway, overall, the map seems really good. 8/10.
the gauss warthogs, are "Anti Air Turrets" Mainly for air, and you can shoot low with them, there is only like 1 or 2 spots you can shoot thats ground and thats it. and when you blow them up, take 2 1/2 minutes to spawn
12-16 players? your map only has 2 ways to get out of each base, you couldnt even play 1o1 with a map design like this. the hornet catwalks dont even have cover, the obelisk catwalk is a dream for every camper out there (+why are to able to get behind the obelisks and the double walls (pic 4 and 5)) blue side has camo, red side has ov, wow, matching colors, very bad gameplay. On a narrowed map like this, ov is completly useless ...
For the most part, pretty decent forging, but the gameplay looks even better. Although I'm kind of thinking that you sort of got a little lazy on the bases. I love the aerial battle/harassment + Guass cannon anti-air combo, that looks really awesome. Overall I'd give this an 8.5/10 because it actually looks fun, but what I'd recommend is cleaning it up a little bit overall but more importantly adding more elevation (and no, the ships don't count). Release a V2 and dazzle the world.
The map seems a little sparse to me; The outer branches which accommodate the Hornets have very little cover to give players a respite from BR or aerial fire. Perhaps some shelter could be added, so that players aren't as exposed? -=Moxus=-
Ya im not gunna lie, this looks like one of those maps that is just really fun to play on. I like ur idea of using warthog turrets as mounted MG's i use to do tht all the time lol. I will deffinatly DL and give it a go becuase this maps looks fun like I said. Good job keep it up! ~Bl4ckhawk~
Well, this map has a good concept, but its execution was not so good. i see no merging at all, which could help the map flow better. As someone previously mentioned, you need some elevation, as the map is too flat. I'd suggest a v.2, with merging, elevation, and you could add more to it.