Easy, you killed someone that has the sword, and you got a bulltrue and someone else beated you down...
Simple enothe. He killed you and you got a bulltrue. I think i need to say this: FAIL Sorry the above is not ment to be mean.
Peeing in your backyard when nobody is watching, an ant decides to crawl into your **** hole because you just killed his friends by pissing on them. Being a ninja, the ant leaps in the air, toward your *****. However you smack him with it, and, being the nerd you are, you scream "lol bulltrue!!1!!!!!111!" Because you exclaimed this so loudly, you woke a calmly sleeping wild ferret behind you. Furious, the ferret runs in between your legs, looks up at you angrily and leaps into the air and bites your **** off. Your mom hears your scream, and calls the police. When they find you screaming in pain in a fetal position, they assume that you are insane. They then hit you with a baton, and one of them exclaims "BEATDOWN LOL" his friends then arrest him for being such a nerd. Well then. Bump so people can read my epicsauce post. I want attention....