This is a great montage. Amazing gameplay... there's a few killtaculars and a killamanjaro. And it's all MLG. Very nice but not too overpowering editing too. Take a look at it. YouTube - 2nd Degree :: A Halo 3 Montage - 100% MLG - SICK Gameplay!
Very good montage, only problem i had was at times it was a little pixely but that may be because my computers screwed up. I was wondering if this video is old or new?
Well I'm subscribed to FBWalshyFTW (The guy who publishes A LOT of montages) and it just appeared on my subscriptions a couple days ago. I'll check when it was posted. It was a little LQ in a few places... it's not your computer. EDIT: It was posted yesterday.
It's too long... and not the best of gameplay, but still pretty good. I think he should have just shortened it to 3-5 minutes then only include the goodies... That'd be more interesting imo.