Lost Planet 2 Demo - Impressions

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Speed-e-cake, Aug 20, 2009.

  1. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Yesterday, the demo for Lost Planet 2 was released, it was one Co-op mission you could do alone, with friends, or random people. The mission has you immediately encounter a large Akrid, enemies that are returning from Lost Planet and Lost Planet: CE, however, this was a new Akrid introduced for LP2. The Akrid is bigger than all the previous Akrid, and you have the ability to go inside of it and hurt it from the inside, or use your grapple and mount on top of it and shoot its blind spot. There are some new weapons and gameplay mechanics introduced, such as sprinting while holding down the B button. When the Akrid is dead or dismembered, [?] Boxes fly out of it, but have no effect (to my knowlegde) for the Demo.

    For those who have not downloaded the Demo yet, here is a gameplay video:
    YouTube - Lost Planet 2 DEMO Gameplay Xbox-Live!

    After playing through the Demo, I am quite impressed. While the gameplay has pretty much stayed the same, and only minor changes to the visuals, the demo feels very different from the previous game's Campaign. The new VS suits are perfect for Co-op, one of them allows 3 players to enter inside it, 2 operate the weapons and the other controls where you go. Team work is vital for survival, as a strategy I found useful was to distract the Akrid as one person goes to activate all the Posts. If the rest of the Campaign is like this, I'll defiantly be picking this game up when I get the chance.

    Disscus what your experiences while playing the demo, you impressions on the game, etc.
  2. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I tried it out last night. I was really, REALLY trying to like this game, but I just couldn't. The control scheme was just the opposite of what I was used to and was simply confusing rather than intuitive or instinctive, and I think that was the main reason I didn't like it. I also found it strange the way the set up the aiming, but I'm guessing that's just how LP games are played.

    Overall, I'm willing to give it another shot, but if my next few playthroughs of the demo don't seem to be getting any better, I'm just gonna have to pass this one up.
  3. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Holy SH!T the demo is here?!

    I loved the first one and LP2 is my #1 in games Im looking forward too.
  4. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    I liked Lost Planet 1, not that much though. I LOVED Lost Planet 2s demo though. And there's no snow! At last! The E3 videos are amazing, I am SO getting this game when it comes out.

    (Winter 2009 if you don't know)
  5. a dying animal

    a dying animal Ancient
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    I wasn't a fan of the first game and from the demo i don't like the new one. The problem i found with the demo was the control layout wasn't very good (thats a personal opinion and not a huge issue). The main thing was you walk around relativly slow and the beast can't even kill you whilst you take forever to slow kill it by spamming rockets.
  6. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Pressing right stick or something to reload was just strange. The grappling was kind of cool as was the environment, but the controls weren't as smooth as I would like.
  7. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    I liked the first lp but didntbplay it much. After playing this demo I'm actually quite excited for this game. The gameplay was refreshing and has that capcom feel to it. Sort of like a monster hunter shooter.

    One thing is, does anyone else had the problem when you do games with randoms everyone else leaves butbyou at the same time. Like you are getting disconnected but staying in the game, and it gives the illusion they all dc at the same time. Is anyone else havingbthis problem or is it just me?
  8. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Well since I played the first Lost Planet the controls didnt feel bad to me.
    Im guessing you guys thought it was wierd from playing FPS for so long.

    Yeah the demo was great, finally no snow. Graphics are amazing and the game still has til March 2010 to come out so high hopes. Also I thought the Boss was too easy but knowing Capcom I wont be saying that whhen it comes out.
  9. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    In my opinion, once you break through the control barrier, the game became fun and addicting. I for one keep playing it, even though I have beaten it several times. The adrenaline rush you get is magnified because of the sheer scale of which you are fighting on; whether it is rolling out of harms way or jumping off the monsters back onto a nearby cliff as it dives. And considering that the monster doesn't specifically attack you as much as it walks around causing damage, it is quite challenging. If normal is this difficulty throughout, many will be pleased by the challenge the harder difficulties are sure to provide. But what I think will get people to buy this game and play it over and over again is the 4 player co-op. I had great fun laughing and cursing with random people I encountered, and friends I have played the game with. In the end, if I can find the money I will be getting this.
  10. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    If you played the original Lost Planet youll konw that Normal Difficulty was hard enough the first play through.

    The demo is probaby defaulted on Easy
  11. Glitch100

    Glitch100 Ancient
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    Great Graphics, the Co-op is coool :) and its a massive improvement on the first one :) Will probably end up getting this . . .

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