OP updated with 3 pictures of my upcoming Avalanche map, as examples of tear drop merges. I am planning to make a few more examples soon and include a "how to use a guest to assist in teardrop merging" section soon. Look forward to it!
I don't quite understand this, however I'd be more than willing to render a film clip for you using my cap card so we can see a vid of how to do this. Until then, do you just grab it from lower down than the teardop or do you grab it and then move down?
I've got a cap card and render minutes, don't worry. I also believe Blood Fire is making another Forge School on this soon. As for your question, I don't fully understand. I'm pretty sure you grab it then move down. Just get the object at the angle desired, then press RT. Then, once that is done, do not press RT anymore, and move the object against a surface at an angle, save + quit. If you figure that out, even a bit, you should pick it up from experience. If the problem persists or I didn't answer you don't hesitate to ask again.
I think you can grab it from any angle you want, just as long as it's stationary and at an angle when you grab it. From there just lower it in whatever way you want without using right trigger. I'm getting a lot better at this, tear drop is really useful.
great post Well this sure goes into a whole lot more detail than my post does, but then i had just discovered it and wanted to get it posted as soon as possible and needless to say I'm not very good at posting thing. thanks to you however now people should really understand how to do it. Also, thank you for mentioning me in your post...
can you merge if the object is completely upside-down? this could be an easy way to merge tubes on sandbox...
I'm not sure I quite understand. It all depends on the placement of the teardrop. Feel free to elaborate. (Sorry for the minor bump, I missed this post)