Sandbox The Architecht

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Aschur, Aug 4, 2009.

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  1. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Holy **** dude, I said quite clearly that, because of ****tards that think railing is the most important thing on a goddamn map that I no longer intend on this going into mm, because you can't ****ing shut up about it.

    There are plenty of halo 2 and other halo 3 maps that have been made that lack rails and play perfectly fine, and if you can't understand that I am trying to give a different feel than traditional maps then go away and post on some gay ass crypt map that has the same bases in each corner that every other crypt map has. Jeezus, learn to have some decency and respect that I spent well over a month planning and building this map, all of my actual friends (yeah I have a real life unlike you) love this map just because there is nothing else like it, if you don't then that is your loss.

    Now shut the hell up and let the intelligent people talk and stop dirtying my thread with your trash talk about it lacking rails.
  2. Atik

    Atik Ancient
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    "Plenty of H2 and 3 maps without railings"
    You mean like Gaurdian, Lockout, and Ascension? Oh, wait.

    "Yeah, I have a real life, unlike you"
    Wow, thats quite the assumption. And you might be right, if you wern't wrong. Also, your friends, unlike mine, probably suck at halo and don't know what a good map is.

    "Now shut the hell up and let the intelligent people talk and stop dirtying my thread with your trash talk about it lacking rails"
    Wow, grow up. It's called critisism and thats the way I dish it out. I don't suger coat ****, I speak my mind. And if you can't even handle me maturely, you're gonna have a tough life.
  3. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    Don't get so defensive, saying I don't have a life, I've cleary hit a nerve. Its called critisism, what do you want people to tell you, that its a perfect map when its not, these forums are for feedback, not spam where these so called intelligent people post things such as "omgz this map looks so good man I havn't played it yet but its a 5/5 great map".

    I'm not saying your month was wasted you could easily turn this into a fun playable map if you werent to uptight and arrogant.
  4. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
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    Haha, i luv reeding ur comm3nts. noa sersly tho, jus becuse there notin else liek it don meen iz good. teh reason der r no maps witout railings iz cuz that is stopid.
    im gonna go make a map now that is 4 walls in the skybubble and a killball on top of it! its gotta be good because its got a different feel to it and no one else has done it!

    On to serious matters, i think the map layout is awesome and i really think this could be a great map if you listen to some of the constructive criticism. Maybe the reason everyone is telling you to add railings is because its a good idea. I mean at least every other post has said that, maybe you should think about it and do it.
    I hate giving fake constructive criticism though, so im going to download it and test it out with my brother and then i to will be able to tell you to add railings. seriously this could be a GREAT MAP. ill be back
    #24 PwnsauceAddict, Aug 22, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2009
  5. Atik

    Atik Ancient
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    Also, jst so everyone knows, I did DL it.

    I fell off three time just during a walk through. And got stuck in the center for a a few seconds.

    Although it is fun to look at, that doesn't make it good.
  6. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Arrogant? Arrogant? Seriously, you think I'm arrogant because I planned this for a month and got pissed because all you can say is it needs rails? How many times do I have to say that I would have done it if it were possible to without killing the aesthetics and cover.

    Plenty of maps have no rails including: damnation, parts of ascention... Etc. Mainly they have no rails because they intend for you to fall off, therefor if you fall off every now and then it makes it ever so hard for noobs to camp on the map.

    And yes I could institute a system of rails if I:
    1. Removed cover or aesthetic touches.
    2. Rebuilt the entire thing with an OLN canvas.

    No, I do not intend to do either of these:
    1. I am busy working on something better.
    2. I am not going to accomadate retards on my map.
  7. Atik

    Atik Ancient
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    Why yes, Bungie loves making us fall of maps so we don't buy their games.

    Damnnation had ONE Death Pit. And it was one opf the most action free parts of the map!

    You know, if EVERYONE keeps telling you to add railings, than maybe you should, you know, listin to them?

    When Sandstone got shot down after I spent over a month making it, did I whine and cry? NO! I'm going back and fixing the thing. And all I got was "its sloppy." You have been given a very clear explanation of what needs to be fixed for this to be better.

    ****ING LISTIN!

    BTW; Railings can double as cover!
  8. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
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    Alright so i downloaded it and i really dont have anything to say other than what everyone else has been telling you. Also the ghost does not work at all, i feel of 2 times when i was in it and i also got stuck once. i dont know if the power drain was meant to be used against the ghost, because you put it right next to it, so whoever gets in the ghost gets the powerdrain(if there smart). Also whether or not you wanted it to not look like it was carved out of stone, without interlocking it isnt smooth and i got cheated out of 2 kill from the graves because my grenade fell thorugh. interlocking always is better than not interlocking. Also the grav hammer just does not work at all. it makes the ghost even worse than it is before, and it is way to easy to rack up the kills with. and instead of making the sword appear in just asymetrical games why not just replace the grav hammer with it? You are being to stubborn and just because you spent a month on it doesnt mean that it is perfect, you still need to listen to constructive criticism. I do really like how it looks like a seventh column from an overview, and the aesthetics are pleasing, but you can still get rid of some to make better gameplay.

    EDIT: also just to let you know, ive made a map called ragnarok so maybe you should pick a different name
    #28 PwnsauceAddict, Aug 22, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2009
  9. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Jeezus, the map is like 3 months old I'm not working on it and I don't intend on going back to it, I like how it is and I'm not going to change it just because some people can't control where they walk... My hint is, if you fall off, learn the map better and learn to play halo without walking backwards and you'll be fine. Yes, I know. You will fall off, I made the map and I still fall off every now and then but that doesn't mean that I hate the map just because I can fall.
  10. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    RC, please note that I am about to say the following because i honestly love the layout of this map and think it seriously has amazing potential.

    So anyways, after read all 3 pages of this thread, I've come to the conclusion that for some reason you are not going to do anything to fix some of the serious problems with this map holding it back from greatness. If you could take criticism the right way and fix the obvious, but easily fixable problems, then this could really be a quality map. But, you are stubborn, persistant in telling everyone that you already spent too much time making this map and aren't willing to make any changes whatsoever. Remember, I am not in any way getting mad at you, just stating the facts, no need to get defensive.

    So, I have a proposition for you: I really want to see a revised version of this map, and since you have no intentions of making a v2, would you mind if i made some changes to it? I wouldn't change any serious aspects of the map. I would not touch the layout, just remove some unnecesary objects, add railings, provide better lines of sight, revise the weapon list, remove the ghost, etc...

    I could or couldn't post it up on FH. It's up to you. If you wouldn't mind me posting the revised edition on here, I would give ALL the credit to you, I would just take .0000001% for what I did.... So please let me know, I really want to see this map live up to its potential.
  11. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You can do that, but if you remove anything that goes under the grid remove everything that touched it. And if you remove the ghost or the stuff under the grid go ahead and rename it because I don't want a v2 tagged onto the name.

    But other than that, yeah, your free to do whatever you feel you can to it and after you're done if you gave me a look-see I'd be able to say if I wanted it posted but the only way I'd say no would be if it played worse or looked terrible.

    Good luck, it was a pain in the ass to get it like that, it'll be harder to do anything more.
  12. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    Awesome. Thanks a lot man. I will DL tonight and get to work it. When i'm done I will let you have a look.
  13. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    You have to think of what others will think of your map. People generally take one game to decide if they like your map or if they don't. If they like it, they keep it. If not, it goes off their hard drive. Now think, if you had railings, people wouldn't fall off and would like your map. Therefore, it would be kept and played more. If people fall off constantly because they aren't used to the map, they will dislike it and it goes off of their hard drive.

    Thus, you should add railings. That was my only main point. There were other small things, but I feel stating them is unnecessary.

    You need to make your map so it caters to every type of halo player. Not just the skilled ones. Newer players will play your map and fall off constantly and they won't have any fun. They then leave to find something else.
    #33 DimmestBread, Aug 22, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2009
  14. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    Well what do we have here? A heated battle between RC and other members. Oh, the irony! The drama! All of you listen to what I’m saying. I reckon I have the sake of ending this argument (Or attempting).

    To RC: Now I'm not picking on you, don't worry. But when Dow gave his comment he was straightforward and knew what he had to say to you. That was his opinion. You didn't take his criticism too kindly, and that was surprising to me. I see Dow's posts go unrecognized or remarked a lot, but Dow's theories are pretty advanced, he knows what he's talking about most of the time. Take the suggestions, don't ignore the community, because many forgers lack the discipline to see that their map isn't perfect, but they think it is, and aren't willing to change it to make the community happy. Even another version with every suggestion fixed would be great. Then the upset people can feel they've made a difference and enjoy the map. Although you don't want to take their crap, you shouldn't diss them when they're clearly trying to help.

    But all of the arguers give him a break (though Dow got treated unfairly, but that's beside the point). Here he's created a map he was fairly proud of and you're shoving him down and making him lose his confidence in the map. Most people including myself would be angry and upset if our hard work was constantly neglected. And it's not bad, the gameplay is varied and different, and if he's not doing anything with it, if you like it, enjoy it, if not, move on. Though some members like DimmestBread and others have made some good point to the situation. He said he wasn't fixing it, leave it at that, although I'm excited to see what Ozarka can cook up for the map.

    My opinions if you fix it are that ghost is alright; kind of hard to traverse the map, but it's different. But there's no good place to use it, so it's not essential. If you could put railings in that would be wonderful. But I don't beg for them. Although it is important, it sets your map apart, in both good and bad ways. I don't care about the lack of Br's but their addition could boost gameplay. And cover should be a part of the map, essential and not look random. The fins are kind of unnecessary, but if you don't look forward to moving this map forward, no problem. Very nice job on this too.

    It's over and done with. Hopefully everyone leave it at that.

    #34 PRS, Aug 22, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  15. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The ghost is meant to be difficult to move around with, but also at the same time allow some more skilled people to rack up a few splatters before dying. And I in no way have said that the map is perfect, I just said that I cannot make it any better, ozarka is going to try... (Yes I know that wasn't directed at me, but I'm just making that clear) additionally I'd like to make it clear that (I believe) dow was one of my testers and I had told him the problems, fixed some and made sure he knew I couldn't fix them but he went and posted that anyways, even after I drilled it into his head that I couldn't put rails on without removing a good majority of the maps cover.

    And lastly, thank you for understanding my side of things.

    Ozarka: Just send me either an invite or message when you're done.
  16. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    I fell off two seconds after acquiring the Ghost, and excuse me for not playing an asymmetric game or whatever on your map. I gave you my opinion (which I personally believe should've been taken into account but you just had to be butthurt about some god damn criticism) and you decided to go the extra mile and not just denounce my opinion, but take a stab at my intelligence. Frankly, I don't take to kindly to that because I find it ironic how you tell everyone in this thread that they are unintelligent '****tards' when you're the one being immature and not realizing that if you're making a map for the people, you have to take there criticism into account because they're the ones who will actually end up playing it in the first god damn place.

    By the way, I read your god damn post. I was even in your game testing this for one or two games. Pull your head out of your ass and learn to not be such an arrogant douche.

    Oh, and a quick little note: The map plays great for 1v1 and 2v2, however, I found myself being spawn killed on occasion because of the lack of cover, and my friends complained about falling off a lot. I wonder why.
  17. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, you obviously can't read or you need to learn to deal with the fact that I am not going to do anything else to the ****ing map ****ing shut up and let the people who like the map or haven't talked talk about it, I quite clearly know what you think about it, you probably would rather eat ****-stained underwear than of play the map.

    Quite obviously you and the other people aren't the audience I was seeking because there are people that like the map, they exist so let them comment on it because they are the ones who will play on it... ****, I'm not in the goddamn mood for this **** anymore, I've dealt with it as nicely as I can for too long, if you give me any more **** about my map I will report you for harrassment, because I feel that you are developing a deep-seated vendetta against me because the **** you people give me over and over about the same issue that has been brought up various times. If you have a problem with me just don't ****ing post on my thread, period.

    You have been warned, whether or not reporting you will do anything, I will do it if things continue this way.
  18. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Dude sorry. I just wanted to help your map get some attention and some things were brought to my attention as well when playing it. Still, even though the map has been around for two weeks, you should try to edit it. don't let it go down the drain and don't give up like this!
  19. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    As long as you aren't bringing up the same issue over and over there is no reason to apologize. But my warning applies to anyone who has, I will drop the hammer.
  20. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    I'm only bringing up the important issues, albeit the same ones, because I have faith in this map (like I said, it plays great for 2v2 minus the lack of rails, ghost, hammer, sniper, and a BR or two.) The reason people are constantly repeating the same issues with this map because that those little problems could make this map 110% better.

    Personally, I think this map could pass ATLAS if you removed the Ghost, swapped the Hammer for something else, swapped the Beam Rifle for something else, and gave it some railings along just the outer rim of the map (I rarely fell on the inside, which is good.)
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