Firefight is going to be awesome. I'm sure I'll be playing it a lot You can even play without helmet~
ummmm... just so you know there are only 7 lives shared between players not 7 each... personally i'm glad the BR is gone... it was just to versatile for it's own good, i found myself only using the BR... and the gameplay gets really stale doing the exact same thing every time. i'm really liking the firefight map with the warthog, that will probably be my favorite map... so we've seen security zone crater (night)/crater (day) alpha site rally point i do believe the warthog map is lost platoon... (not confirmed) the map in "bip, bap, bam" with the platform in the sky is probably windward. and we havn't seen: data hive (from achievements) and last exit (from achievements) there are 10 maps... i only named 8.... so maybe the night versions are seperate maps... so maybe one other map has a nightetime version.
I'm also very glad to see a Br-free game. The weapon is an abomination thats ruined halo as i knew it.
sorry bud, go re-read some sources. Each player contributes 7 lives to the pool. So: 1 player - 7-life pool 2 players - 14-life pool 3-players - 21-life pool 4 players - 28-life pool trust me, i know how it works
Firefight is going to be awesome, although I am wondering; can you and someone in your party be the same person, like, have two Johnson's in the same squad. If you could, that would be very f*cked up. If you can't, I call dibs on Johnson.
I have such a feeling that Firefight will eventually become a chore... Much like Horde for GOW2- They will eventually make achievements for Firefight and people will do them when new maps arrive, but then people will get bored. You can say that you dont think that this will happen- but everyone said that Horde was amazing when GOW2 was new, but now, people get very bored of it...
I'm so wanting to forge adjustments in firefight. But I know how 'it would ruin the delicate balance'. But the things this forum could do with being able to forge our own firefight maps... they'd be amazing.
I hope Bungie resets the leaderboards every week or something...It wasn't fun to play Survival on Left 4 Dead after people had glitched and survived for 4000 minutes.
What? The fact that I played 3 more times on Saturday? Rub THAT in? I havent even begun Nah jk.. but seriously, played 3 times saturday as a VIP for the San Diego stop of the ODST tour. Pics and what not will be up tonight most likely. I can answer any questions anyone may have. The pistol had a bit more recoil than I originally experienced.. maybe i was just more attentive this time around. But its a good recoil.. its believable. Another interesting note: taking down a wraith results in a triple kill sprees are all doubled.. so a killing spree is 10 kills, frenzy is 20, riot is 30, etc.
Dude, I'm totally going after the VIP treatment this Friday. I'm working my ass off so I can take a half day on Friday, I can't frakking wait.
I wish there was an ODST Truck here in the UK, or a booth set up in a store somewhere, It'd be awesome. LIGHTS, did the other Firefight maps that you unlock whilst playing Campaign show up in the menu, if so, could you have selected them? I'd assume they would be hidden in that build of the game.
Are the sprees still normal online? And being doubled would make them so much more fun in my opinion in firefight. It was a good choice.
Where shall I start?... I was one of the lucky few people that the special H3: ODST truck came to visit here in Memphis complete with 8 Xbox's and TV's. Sadly they wouldn't let me take any pictures of ODST inside the truck but I did take pictures for you to see of the truck from the outside. Being in the back of the line even though we left early for the event is not very fun. Getting closer! Yeah, that was only like a 40 minute wait from where we was. I wish I was under that tent instead of being in the back. Epic! I was so excited when I saw that truck. If you don't think that logo is epic you deserve to die. End of story... You do not know how much I wanted to steal that truck. All hail Bungie! Taken when we was waiting to get in the truck. /End of pictures... In total we waited 3 and a half hours just to get in the truck and play a short 10 minute game. I almost cried when I saw that 'Game over' sigh flash across the screen. Even though we only got to play a short 10 minute game of Firefight it was well worth the wait. When I played we decided to play on Alpha site on Heroic difficulty. I wish I could have left the truck with some free Halo ODST swag but at the very last minute a guy on my team took out a handful of Brutes with a grenade surpassing my score by a few points. Getting to play ODST with my friend early was a great experience that I will never forget. Halo3: ODST will truly be a great game that I cannot wait for. EDIT: Didn't notice how big the picture would be when I uploaded them. Sorry if you have any problems on loading times for the page. I probably should have re-sized the picture but I'm lazy and you all know that would just ruin the experience for you.
Yeah, i had trouble loading them. On a brighter note: while i was looking at the pics as if i was looking through a microscope i found one of my xbl friends that lives in memphis...i live in california.