So im in the middle of finishing a new mlg map. And I asked my friend to do the spawn and weapon placement. But he ran into a problem. He went into a mlg map on the pit and had a look at the spawns. And hes confused because there were only 4 spawns (starting spawns) and each side and they were the only spawns on the whole map that were labeled attacking and defending. The rest of the spawns were all neutral spawns. So how come if all the spawn points (excluding the starting points) are neutral how come when playing you only ever spawn on your teams side????? Also I was wondering if i but a blue and red light to resemble each base how do i know for sure that the blue team will spawn (at the start of the game and throughtout) with the blue light??? If you know the answer to these questions please comment. EDIT: Also I just tried to add a screenshot of the map but the latest ones taken about a few days ago arent working. The picture is blank. Does anyone know why?
The 4 spawns that are named attackers and defenders are the spawn points that each team will spawn at. Is there a spawn point near those spawn points? if there is it means that the players will only spawn there once, at the start of the game and the fact that they are attackers and defenders means that they will be separated into teams. The neutral spawn points around the map means that anyone will spawn there after being killed. If you want a team to keep spawning under a certain light, you just make sure that the spawn points in that area are all the same. if you want defenders to keep spawning under the blue light, you just make sure all the spawn points around there are changed to defenders. For them to spawn there at the start of the game, you just have to make sure there's a sarting point
the map that my friend was observing was a default mlg map. It's the one you play in mlg match making. And I wanted to know why you only ever spawn on your teams side if the spawns are all neutral. Also with the light question I wanted to know if say the red team with spawn in the attackers spawn points. That way I can match the right color light with the right spawn points ( red with defenders spawn etc).
If there's a starting point set to a certain team, the spawn points around it will be the same, even if they say neutral. There are also usually two spawn areas that fill half of the map each on maps. If the spawn area is set to a certain team, all the spawn points inside it are the same, even if they say neutral. That may be what it is?
The spawn system is very complicated and is affected by several factors such as teammates and enemies that are nearby and also the death of your teammates. This makes it very likely to spawn on the neutral spawns near the starting points of your team. To learn more about spawns go Here. If I were you, I would just copy the spawn system of the MLG map you were disecting, thus, make 4 starting points belonging to each team, and every other spawn neutral. Then, make NEUTRAL spawn areas on controllable sides, e.g. if your map has 2 sides, make 2 spawn areas. The likelyhood that you will spawn in one area is determined by the enemies, teammates and deaths inside that area, so if blue team starts at blue side, kills every red member and then takes over red side, the red team will not spawn at red side but at blue. Hope this helped.
Thanks guys your answers really helped the only question I have left is will the blue team spawn at the start on a attackers or defenders spawn point?
I dont know why, but when i was making one of my maps i did the light thing to, and i think i made red attackers and blue defenders. but what was weird was that i did it in forge, and we were red and blue(i was with someone else) and it was different then in slayer. So i dont know the answer to that question but on all my previous maps, for some reason they kept on switching. I dont know though so i hope someone has the answer to that
I believe Blue team is defenders, but I'm not really sure. Thats weird, did you put the gametype in forge at Slayer? If you did, it is even more weird. But forge is not designed to work as slayer, but to work as map editor, so I don't really care about spawn issues in forge, as long as I can make maps, I am happy.