Sandbox Phoenix

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by bam3214, Aug 19, 2009.

  1. bam3214

    bam3214 Ancient
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    made by bam3214

    Even though i made phoenix a day after i made oracle, i didnt decide to post it, seeing how the community would respond to a challenging roller coaster such as oracle. well, phoenix is even harder, containing some of the same types of jumps as oracle, and some even harder. This coaster is very fun because of its challenge, making you attempt it again and again. However, despite what you may be thinking, it is very possible, and i have done it multiple times. some testers, like, ITz Flair (now, Flair Iz Nasty) have completed it also. the question is, can you?


    Download PHOENIX
  2. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    it looks cool, i like the layout and it does look challenging, but if you want to get any serious amounts of downloads, you have to interlock the track pieces! it makes the map look waaayyy more appealing and plays better that way too
  3. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    Not really, or atleast, not for rollercoasters (which this map happens to be, btw). The aim of a rollercoaster is to provide a long, thrilling, and possibly difficult ride for players. The only thing interlocking will do is make the track shorter. That's not something you want to do.
  4. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    I like the layout of this track but I think you should interlock some parts,but its not needed, anyway I really like the name of this track. =) Overall its very good doesnt seem to have anything wrong with it so far I'll download and see the flow of the track.
  5. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
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    omfgomfgomfgomfg stop saying he needs to interlock you pineapple sure it makes it look nicer and makes it smoother but the ammount of effort needed to do that in a roller coaster is ridiculous. Go on a roller coaster in real life. Is it smooth? Hell no, you bump around like crazy and that is how they are supposed to be. Double wide racetracks is different, because they do not have a roller coaster feel to it, they have more of a cruising feel. So guys, stop saying he needs to interlock when it really is not that neccecary. Map is sick, I love the challenge! Glad u decided to post it :)
  6. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    I agree, lets say he DID interlock all of the turns and hills... Then his track would end up 1/2 the size it is now... I don't think people understand that.
  7. HJ117

    HJ117 Ancient
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    Ok I know this is mean to be a challenging roller coaster but the jumps don't work 50%of the time and it's so bumby it flipsme off I just think you should really make it to were you can at least make the jumps and just a lil less bumpy I got fliped from how bumby it was like 15 times 2.5/5 sorry I guess I just really didn't like it
    #7 HJ117, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  8. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    People won't waste their time or their downloads for 1)A challenge map with no reward. 2)A single player challenge map. 3)If the two still don't apply, then no one (and I mean NO ONE) is going to download a challenge map with crappy forging that's waaay too long.

    If you wonder why you haven't gotten more downloads, just a heads up.
  9. bam3214

    bam3214 Ancient
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    the sad part is, many of these people only realize this when they try to make their own. they see the gaps and immediately think they should be filled without even trying the map. drive over the outter edge of all my tracks, where there is the biggest gap between pieces. i guarentee you that the bump you feel from the gap will NEVER, NEVER EVER, cause you to fall off. you can ride around EVERY ONE of my maps anywhere on the track and still be able to complete it.
  10. dennis1895

    dennis1895 Ancient
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    i have to say this map was easyier for me than oracle this also had one annoying high turn that goes up in the sky

    and the most irritating things were after the jumps sometime if you landed you would flip off the track and sometimes you dont thats just annoying and the one place where you go up really high where you can be bounced of by the barrier.

    anyway this map was fun to ride still miss something new.
    like you did when you made quantum doing that with wedges you did nothing new in this map really so.. maybe in your next map try to invent something new.
  11. Kiwinator 777

    Kiwinator 777 Ancient
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    What are you talking about reward? I didn't know there had to be rewards for a racetrack. And the forging here is fine, but what you don't seem to get (Along with many others) is that there doesn't have to be any interlocking. Interlocking isn't the only thing people should look for in a map, but maybe how it plays, or just the concept? I just hate when people post such biased comments that are in no way helpful. Geez people just don't get it.

    Anyways, rollercoasters like this are my FAVORITE kind of racetrack. I only have a few others that are fun enough to keep, and one of them is Quantum 2.0 so this should be another one to add to the collection! Thanks
  12. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    OMG! this track is so hard! i tried completing just one lap on it for like an entire hour, but i eventually just stopped. when my friends came on later, i tried doin a lap to show them how hard it is, and of course i then finish it on my first try! lol. anyways, great map, and ya, it IS WAY harder than oracle and quantum! keep up the good work Bam!

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