$1.92M for 24 Songs? Sounds Reasonable...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xxAl Capwnagexx, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Let them get a real job then. I think filesharing does good. We should go to heaven for taking their drug money!
  2. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Dude, I just finished my newest album, and really, I doubt any of my band members could give a **** if someone downloaded it illegally. In my opinion music and shows are free everywhere now because they are totally public on the radio and tvs everywhere. Movies aren't free yet. But the world is changing my friends.
  3. The God of Grunge


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  4. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    So according to you, tsb, someone's life should be ruined just to "send a message", that the fat cats of the RIAA don't like keeping up with the times? File sharing is here to stay, whether they like it or not.
  5. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Anyway, right on TSB. Music is a product, you pay for products, it's really quite simple. If you take those products without paying, you're stealing. Just like when you download movies or software.

    Making music is a job - It's a job for the bands, for the producers, for the technicians, for the people that purchase the equipment, e.t.c.

    It's not free to make/record the music, so if no one pays for it, no one will want to make it. It also costs people's most valuable commodity, time! We essentially all get paid for using our talents and our time, those in the music business are no different.

    Just because some musicians do it as a hobby, much like some people just play football for fun, others do it as their job! Respect that and stop being morons.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    The ***** stole, on 24 accounts. Also when you use the term 'fat cats' you sound like a whiny hipster ***** that is too lazy to do anything and blames others for problems.
  7. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    So according to this i'm going to get fined $1.3 Billion. I bought the CD's and i lost them, i swear.

    I think it's riduclous, the time of music now is **** anyway, artists shouldn't need money exclusively to survive. It's an art form. Radios don't play the songs that make the most, or pay the most. Those who download music illegitemately would only find other free means if it was not available. The music industry is probably more directly hit by things like youtube than downloads. Atleast artists try to use it to their advantage by putting up their own music.
    #27 Matty, Aug 20, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2009
  8. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    This is hilariously ridiculous. Most of the people that get music illegally dont think its wrong because you wont get caught and when someone does all of you get upset thinking the people who are making the theives pay are the badguys.

    Do you think that stealling 24 video games or t-shirts or computers is wrong? If not you are a moron that should be thrown in jail.

    Matty radio stations put the popular music up to get listeners so that companies will pay more for advertising.

    And if you are smart there are ways of getting music for free that isnt illegal. there are sites that the bands put the music up voluntarily so people can get it for free.
  9. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    The mob does it all the time...
  10. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    I will agree that MP3 is terrible quality (320 kbps is manageable on a light weight scale) but FLAC is as good as it gets and it literally can't get better. You'll have issues if you're not using HD headphones or speakers and listening to FLAC though, that is, not getting the full quality out of it. Vinyls are nice, but people like myself prefer FLAC.
  11. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I listen to the radio to hear new music, not popular music.

    And if you can get music for free legitemately, and music files cannot be sourced or traced, then you just justified this entire arguement to be false.
  12. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    Just cuz you listen to the radio for new music doesnt mean everyone does. just cuz i like screamo doesnt mean i can say everyone does.

    And what are you talking about?
  13. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    Way to generalize. I'm sorry, but if you want me to, I think I'm going to decide to generalize you as someone who honestly thinks the RIAA needs more money, which would make you an ignorant elitist. So, do you want to try again with substance?

    Whether you are for or against piracy, you can't honestly think that ONE song "stolen" is worth $80K, which is what is happening here. That's one song 80,000+ times bought.

    While I agree that stealing music from struggling musicians or ones that aren't mainstream is wrong, if you honestly believe that mainstream artists "need the money" then you need to read up on a few record deals.
    #33 xxAl Capwnagexx, Aug 21, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2009
  14. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    i would like to state that free music can be an advantage for a group or company in some cases, the same way that copyright protection can be an inhibitor.

    im sure everyone knows the story of SPORE. spore was supposed to be a rediculously good game, and was highly anticipated by many gamers/critics. in the end tho, the fact that the game could only be installed twice greatly limited its success. i dont know the article, but a while ago i read a statistic that said spore would have made 2+ times as much, if it hadnt had the rediculous copyright protections. people will download music and games illigitimately, that's a given for our generation; but companies need to look at the problem in less black and white terms.

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