Sandbox Exile

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Paranoia UK, Aug 21, 2009.

  1. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    This is my latest Forge map. I have created it in Sandbox's Skybubble and it has taken about 35 hours to complete. The map was originally released on Forge-Union as a version 1/testing copy. Having gathered feedback I have now released the final version. Thank you to every one on Forge-Union who helped to test and review this map.

    The map is roughly based on the first level of Goldeneye on the N64. It features a large Dam with two towers on each end. The towers are connected by a mid level walkway stretching across the front of the Dam. There is also another tower set out from the Dam which is accessible via a walkway from either end of the map. There is also a building on the upper level and a main chamber within the Dam itself.

    The map is primarily aimed for Team Doubles or FFA, it is however set up for all gametypes excpet Assault, VIP and Infection. It is particularly good for FFA.

    Link to map - : Halo 3 File Details

    Changes from Version 1

    Added a one-sided rail to the upper walkway as it was difficult to stay on in a combat situation.

    Added and changed some Spawn points to improve gameplay

    Fixed HLG problem on middle tower - it is now not possible to hide there

    Removed Aesthetic Custom Powerup in order to raise funds for the weapons below

    Removed 1 red and 1 blue light in order to raise funds for the bridge

    Added two Plasma grenades in order to improve gameplay

    Added two Spikers in order to improve gameplay

    Added two Plasma Rifles in order to improve gameplay

    Replaced Active Camp with a Sniper Rifle in order to balance out the Machine Gun Turret

    Pictures - Pics are of the Version one at the moment. When I get more time I will replace with new ones.











    Due to additional feedback I have made some more minor changes to this map. Changes in Version 2 include:-

    Changes include -

    Removed Shotgun
    Removed 2 Plasma Grenades

    Added 2 Maulers



    Changes in Version 3

    Moved stone columns on the two main towers so it is no longer possible to HLG there.

    Moved the main chamber Mauler to Defenders side of the upper walkway

    Moved the upper level Mauler to Attackers side of walkway

    Link to map - : Halo 3 File Details

    Any and all comments are welcome thanks.
  2. decoyb14

    decoyb14 Ancient
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    this map is brilliantly forged and has great ideas you seem to be heading towards perfection very quickly in your updates i dont see any faults to this level and can see it been a fun/ competetive map to play on ill DL before saying anything else..
    #2 decoyb14, Aug 21, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2009
  3. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Wow, map looks sweet man, I love the curve idea, not many maps have odd designs like this and it makes it good, youve pulled it off well. Could you get more screenies of inside? I dont have live this second so I cant check it out, but overall the map looks very good, I may give it a dl..
  4. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    dude this map is disgustingly sexy, i first saw it nd thought, oh it just looks cool, but Goldeneye 64? amazing idea. the dam looks superbly playable. im telling you, UK forgers are where its at, good stuff man 5/5
  5. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    is that what the map is then? A dam, cool ;p I saiw some dams on far cry 2 that some people made ;p twas good!
  6. marshie 333

    marshie 333 Ancient
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    Wow, this looks really good. I instantly saw the similarity to goldeneye. The design and forging looks excellent, as well as the weapons. It's a DL for me and I'll get back back to you.

    Update- Just did a forge through, and it is very impressive. The forging is simply amazing. The weapons and spawns seem fine, the weapon placement looks really nice too. Each power weapon has something to counter it, which is nice. Overall I'de say this is a great map, it's influenced just enough by goldeneye, but you definetely elaborated on the design. Good job.
    #6 marshie 333, Aug 21, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2009
  7. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    wow thats an original shape. i thought that mine was original but holy shi- this is super original, no real comparison to goldeneye for me, but i only played the one map on multiplayer because i never actually owned it.
    the curve really pops but it doesnt look to good for halo 3 gameplay, ill have to check it out when i get home on the 25th
  8. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Wow 5 stars. This has got to be the best map ive seen in months! I love the design and the forging is top notch. This looks perfect for doubles so i will have to download this. Feature this NOAW!
  9. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    This map has really nice forging, I can say that that's no problem for you. The whole look of the map with the forging really blows me away; you've done a phenomenal job. The weapon layout looks solid from what I can tell too. May I suggest a super awesome purple light (Blue and red light merged) on top or the turret where the custom is? It would look cool IMO. But the only problem that might happen is spawn rape. Did you put good spawns throughout the map, especially where the enemy can fire at you when you spawn? If you didn't then that might happen. I think it might be too open on the top, and it looks like the turret will be underused. The bunker inside the dam might be a good place to spawn, but not always. I will test gameplay on the map as it looks promising, but if I don't like spawning I will get back to you. Overall very nice job on the map, waiting to see how it plays.

    #9 PRS, Aug 21, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2009
  10. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map looks uber sexy dude, and only uk forgers are awesome? Nah man all of europe is awesome... Tehe Ich komme aus deutchland. (I come from germany)

    But seriously this map is the best dam I've seen built, I never personally played goldeneye for the 64, but I played rogue agent for the gamecube and remember some dam part... Anyways I think this captures the feel of a dam quite well, I'm going to send you a fr over live so I can get the map, k?
  11. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
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    This map is just expertly put together. The technical aspect of it is excellent. I like the idea being pulled from Goldeneye.
    I thought that this could be done well but I personally didnt want to do it but I am glad that you did it because it's done well.
    Awesome job. Kudos
  12. guitardedchance

    guitardedchance Ancient
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    This map has really nice forging, I can say that that's no problem for you. I think this is an awsome map by the pics it looks good for gameplay and weapon placement looks fair. the only thing i would suggest is if you have the supplies and budget, you should try making the bridges to the turret a bit wider, or add a railing on one side


    other than that i give it a 4.5
  13. Reincarnation

    Reincarnation Ancient
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    BRILLIANT! This map really caught my eye because of its originality, i think you might have something on this, i downloading to see how it plays, 5/5
  14. Ninjakitteh18

    Ninjakitteh18 Ancient
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    The only problem I see is the rockets. They seem to easy to get, like all you have to do is jump all the way down and grab them, then go into the little cave thing and hide from fire. I will have to dl, though and check it out. Great aesthetics though!
  15. HunTedMeat

    HunTedMeat Ancient
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    This is one of the better skybubble maps Ive seen, especially the caves under bridge and I'm definitely going to DL but, I think that the map is a little too small for my tastes. Any ways, I'll DL and check back later.

    PS: One of the coolest aesthetics in a map I've seen.
  16. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    this map deserves to be featured. gameplay looks smooth, and i really like how you cared to put aesthetics into the map. it shows that you really care about the map and that you actually have the skill to put in aesthetics.

    i must say, it isn't the most original map layout [i have seen a few maps with a curved-line or "c" design, i was actually working on a map similar to this a few days ago], but the aesthetics, towers, and the ability to actually go inside the dam rather than just walk on top, make this map feature-worthy.

    i haven't tested out the map yet, but it looks great or team doubles; i feel like 4v4 would really be pushing it. by looking at the pics, the weapon layout seems very solid. but my main concern is that this map seems a little prone to spawn-killing. i can't say that as a fact because i haven't tested it yet.. overall 9.5/10 great map
  17. Capton Furgler

    Capton Furgler Ancient
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    I would say when I did play objective gametypes it is very annoying (expecially CTF) when the other team grabs your flag and goes on the outer part of the main part of the structure. The defenders would spawn downstairs next to the rockets and have to walk up and hopefully get them as they come out of their base to score. It didnt happen everytime but it did occur more then I would have appreciated. So spawning was a small issue but otherwise very nice map.
  18. 12 inch winner

    12 inch winner Ancient
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    that was the first thing that cam to mind when i saw this map to!
    i really like the looks of this map because im a fan of maps that
    make you forget your in sandbox this i downloaded it and am going to play it tommorow and see if it plays as good as it looks.i really like the fact you can go inside the dam to it adds some realism to the map. 5/5

    for some reason this map reminds me of ivory tower from halo 2?
    #18 12 inch winner, Aug 22, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2009
  19. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Me a few friends got a couple games of doubles on this. We were all impressed yet there were a few things we didn't like.

    First and foremost, on the bottom floor where you have the destroyed looking ramp, please make it not destroyed. It was somewhat of a pain to have to jump up to the ramp every time. If you could make it so the ramp goes all the way to the ground, that would help a lot.

    While on the topic of the bottom floor, I will say I like the placement of the Rocket Launcher, but I don't like how that destroyed ramp is the ONLY way back up. If you could possibly make a Two-Way Teleporter system that send you from the bottom floor to possibly the turret platform, or a man cannon that had the same effect, that would make it much better. Having only one way out of a certain area on a map is usually not good.

    Also, while testing, we found that the turret was pretty overpowering and the sniper did not do it's job well of countering it. Perhaps, move the Bubble Shield to where sniper spawns and put a sniper in each base.

    Also, just a minor problem, but the bases were switched during CTF, meaning that red team spawned in blue base and vice versa.

    Other than that, great map.
  20. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    This map looks really cool. I wish maps like this would make it into Atlas and into matchmaking, cus some of the maps we're playing now look like 5 year olds made them! I love the design of this map. Seriously awsome. I'm gonna download it and try to get some customs on it!

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