So I'm in a digital graphics class. We get to use CS3, and all that fun ****. Within 30 minutes I've learned how to use it better than my teacher. He doesn't even know what a render is, or that you could alter brushes! FML! So if I could ask you guys for the best tuts you've made, or followed, that are helpful and instructive.
Here's my completed ones... Snow Tutorial by ~LordTerraxXII on deviantART Killers Sig tut by ~LordTerraxXII on deviantART (No pic) DragonBall Sig Tutorial by ~LordTerraxXII on deviantART Chasing Rainbows Tutorial by ~LordTerraxXII on deviantART Release Tutorial by ~LordTerraxXII on deviantART
Using CS3 for signatures is a LOT different than using it professionally. The term 'render' is really not a commonly used term; it's mainly confined to the online graphics forums.
Yeah, the term "render" is mainly used in online graphics forums, but even so, you would think that the teacher would know how to change brushes...
Creating Depth In Photoshop by =cptpomeroy on deviantART ^a really great tut on creating depth in general, and you learn a lot of things about photoshop in general.
I learnt how to use it on Macromedia before our school got the adobe import, and I showed everyone up. Was good.
Elementary. Anyways, I use a lot of tutorials at deviant art, like Laxer. I think they should help you understand CS3 a lot more.