I am currently doing a Reader's Notebook on Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card and Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. I need to muster up some vocabulary words from each of these books for my notebook but I had to return both to the library on short notice. So I've been looking through out the internet for some vocab or SGs of these books and haven't found much luck doing so. If any of you have read these books or have them and know some vocab from them here is what I need: I need words including page numbers, parts of speech, and definition. If you do not have the definition or the part of speech that is fine but I do need the page number as I can not look any of them up. Thank you very much to anybody that helps me.
Aw, I loved Ender's Game. I don't remember any of the uber-vocab words, nor do I remember the aliens names Dun click plox Spoiler He blowz up teh homewurldz Srsly
I loved enders game, have you read the whole book? If you don't care about ruining the plot click my spoiler. Do not read this unless you don't mind ruining the plot for yourself. Spoiler In the end they have ender do a test on what his tactics would be for the last attack on the bugger homeworld, its like a videogame and they have his buddies from the academy talking to him from headsets, (he thinks) but when he unleashes the dr. (A bomb the dematerializes everything it touches) they tell him that it was for real and he actually demolished the bugger homeworld and their species. Later he goes to the planet and finds an egg and various things from the virtual reality game from the academy, and he also finds out that they were a hive mind, therefor they had no need for speach which was why they couldn't even comprehend what we were doing. Basically I could put the book here word for word but yeah can think of anythingthat could be used as vocab. Sorry.
Yeah, so your in an AP class, and your reading enders game? I read that, in like the 6th grade. ALL of them.
Mace: there is only one Ender's Game. And I've read the book I just need some vocab words from somebody that has read it
There are 10 books that take place in the universe and 5 of them are have Ender as a main character at some point.
Ah, well I was only considering the ones with Ender as the main character and I forgot about the one that was just recently released.
Yeah, I read that in my English 9 class (Freshman) and I really do not see how this would have anything to do with an AP class.
Rawr lots of questions to answer! Yes, I go to Public school I was unaware of the other Ender's Game books Ender's Game was one out of about 10 books we could choose And the point of this thread is for you guys to help me!!! not discuss Ender's Game.