id say buck as well, he reminds me of johnson. He will prob pull his team out of some tough times but will relay on the rookie for something big.
I like Romeo the most because hes the team sniper and I like to snipe in halo. I also like him because his missions will probably involve a lot of sniping.
100% Romeo. in matchmaking, i am more of a team sniper/support role, and i luvs teh sniper =D but, whenever i get the chance, ill grab a BR, Carbine, Sniper, Beam rifle, pretty much anything effin' long range. ;D
I voted Dare but will most likely play most in FF as Romeo since int'll take me forever to unlock Dare.
Cough Cough..."SAY WHAT" Come on people do I have to explain everything to you. Sargent Johnson is the man to be. Name me a marine that is both Trained as an ODST, worked along side the Chief, KICK SO MUCH ALIEN ASS, been there during all the Halo Campaign's as well CONTACT Harvest. He was there during the first infringement with the Convant as well. NOW Tell me THIS Marines... IF Sargent Johnson isn't the Badest of the Badasses around than WHO is? He is a special ops vet from the Colonies Rebellions as well, so Thou he isn't sporting the ODST outfit he is worth the vote in this poll. -Gopher PS I'll be Sporting the BAD ASS HIMSelf in firefight... "BUCKLE UP ANOTHER WAVE IS COMING IN!...." "DAMN RIGHT I AM"
I think its Dutch, because hes the one with the splaser, and thats by far my favorite weapon. Rookie is definatley second though, for reasons everyone else has already said