I played it, and loved it. But I would like to see the bubble shield incorporated more, because that was the most fun part. Waiting in the bubble shield with the ghost, taunting your opponents.
In most peoples' opinions, including mine as well, splattering someone is the most rewarding thing in Halo. Your map looks well thought out.
Thanks, I have lots of maps half finished, but one I am going to actually finish is one where the zombies are under the humans, and they throw gravlift under them to try and push them up into teleporters. Lone soldier, I'm glad to see that some zombies are actually using them and being tactical. Freeze fry, I love splattering too. I thin there needed to be a good splattering game thats why I made splat. I'm glad to see you all liking splat, and ive been meaning to check new gametypes for splat off my list of things to do
ok i just played it and its really fun...the gametype should be updated a little... i played with 4 people and since next zombie was winner it was me everytime because humans cant score points...i think u should change it to random and give last man standing a point bonus. also u should shorten the rounds to 3 or 4 minutes cuz its to hard to survive 6. is evrybody supposed to have 1 life? cuz i thought i remembered that they come back and get thehir own ghosts if they die... this map is really fun...u just should update the gametype.
No, everyone should have unlimited lives. I will change the gametype so the next zombies are random, shorten the time limit to four minutes, and give the last man standing a bonus. ( i thought I did give the last man a bonus, but I guess had to reload Kerplat onto my file share for the changes to work) I had the same problem with the number of lives when I nwas playing with friends, and now that I know that more than one person has had that problem I will fix it, so the game is played right Thanks for letting me know about the respawn problem.
Hey nice map. Looks like you took a fairly simple concept and molded it into a fun enjoyable map that is accessible by all skill levels of players. Nice work on the map it looks well polished and fun. You did a pretty good job for your first map. I wish my first map was this good, I got laughed out of the party. Keep making more forge maps like this.
Ok, I fixed the gametype and published it to the forums. I already changed the link here, so when you click the download gametype link it takes you to the new gametype. The changes are that the time limit is now 4 minutes, everyone has unlimited lives, you get 10 points for being last man standing, and the zombies are now chosen randomly.
aright gametype is definitely better. 10 might be high sometimes for small games, but with over 6 people it works fine.
This looks awesome. Great idea for a mini-game. The map looks tight and I can't wait to check out the gameplay. I quite enjoy vehicular manslaughter on this game. Great idea with the overflow box too. Would it be possible (as in do you have the resources remaining) to heighten the walls a little more and add deployable grav lifts?
When I first made the map I tried to add gravlifts, but the walls weren't heightened enough. I was also testing a gravity hammer gametype for the map, but the ghosts could easil be hit out of the map. There is only $3 left on the budget, so I will probably have to remake the entire map with the unlimited budget glitch sometime soon, so I can make more gametypes, and add gravlifts. I'm very hesitant to do that though, because I don't want to lose all my downloads, and all my hard work would be lost, plus I'm super lazy. I will probably have to do this though, to help the map
After a few more rounds of this, it just keeps getting better and better. I've changed my mind about the grav lifts and hammers. They would totally change the gameplay, and I like it how it is.
wow, I'm suprised this didn't show up on my subscribed threads list. I'm glad that you liked it the way it is, I'm still thinking a rocket or gravity hammer gametype or brute shot type, because with brute shots you can still hit the ghosts away, but it wouldn't knock them out of the map.
the reason people got out was from trip mines or by getting hit lightly by a ghost to boost them upwards...i think brute shot would make it o hard for the zombies unless theres limited ammo.