Sandstone is a small, semi-symmetrical map. The central structure houses two mauler, and a Bruteshot as the power weapon on top. A plasma cannon sits atop a large hill and can help a smart team control the map. Each base has a Sniper, BR, Spiker, and Sentinel beam. Along with a Regen and Bubble shield. Around the map are two ARs, two Carbines. and plenty of nades. Grenades prove to be very esentiasl on this map, whether your clearing out the enmy base or sticking that pesky turret guy, your gonna want them. Pictures Download: : Halo 3 File Details
Now I don't want to be too mean when I say this, but it's very sloppy. Whether you wanted it to be like a sandstorm hit it or not, thats what came to my mind. It wouldn't prove to be so sloppy, but the roof just makes me feel un-easy. Like it would cave in on me, even though I know it's immovable. You do have a nice structural idea, but I don't think it was executed well. However I haven't played it to know how gameplay is, and I don't want to sound too critical about it without knowing how it plays. I was just talking about the forgings.
Yeah, I didn't take the time to interlock the roof because I just wanted it to serve the purpose of stopping would be escapers. The rest of it, yes, I wanted it to be uneven and that stuff.
Just fyi, there's another good map named Sandstone. You might consider picking a new name:
That's your decision really. It's more rude than anything else, but you might confuse people if they have both.
dude, the name is fine, its the map that is seriously ****ed up. Im sorry to say it, but the map is extremely sloppy, and i see tons of people leaving the building and fighting in the open. the roof is kinda pathetic. like you just threw stuff on it. i dont see this playing well because its very small, and i see way too many people escaping the map. sorry to be harsh 1.5/5
Dude, actually download it and try getting out with the default settings/weapns. And opening in the roof are too small to fit through. One of my first priorities was for it to be escape proof.
i dont even think you need a roof and its not a big deal. BTW, can you tell how it plays? my downloading que is full and i havent been on live in a couple of days.
I don't have enough friends to get a regular goodsized game going. But from what I have played, games are fast paced and require alertness and speed.
probably because the spawns are too close together. i would suggest lengthening the map and actualy adding a wall to one of the sides, ditch the roof, make a v2, AND SPEND MORE TIME ON IT.
Possible try to do some merging and interlocking (for the sake of the forum) so that criticism will be somewhat more positive.
Epic Fail. I mean, I know you can't judge the fun on a map by it's forging, but this doesn't even look fun at all with misplaced catwalks, lots of bumps, and crappy interlocking (and you didn't even try to interlock at all, really). From my guess, you just need more practice. Keep releasing maps here on forgehub until the criticism gradually dies down. When you start to get applaud from your map, then you know that you're not a crappy forger anymore.
I wasn't gonna say anything, cause it looks like everyone else is taking their turn eviscerating this map, but then I got a look at that first pic again, and I have to say... Do you live under a bridge? Cause this looks like the kind of map a troll would make just to piss off forgehub, lol. I understand that you may have wanted to go for a design choice that incorporates some unpredictable geometry, but to pull it off right, it requires TONS of time to make it look organic and not just messy, no matter how it plays. The number of maps going through here every day means that your level has to be GOOD to stand out. Obviously you know how to interlock, so that's a start, but I think you should put together 3 or 4 grid-based, predictable geometry maps before you try to branch out into different styles.
Why is everyone calling it sloppy? If you mean the floor, it is purposely bumpy as I wanted the map to have texture. I wanted to make it hard and annoying to line up shots. Also, I've been working on this for over a month.
They're calling it sloppy because it is. We get what you're trying to do its just your execution is poor. No one here like to play on a bumpy map.
Sorry, very sloppy.. This is one of those hectic look around and kill the guys all around you, which need to be FULLY interlocked.. The gameplay is definitely questionable.. not trying to be mean but it needs some work
everyone is so mean omg leave the kid alone i think he gets you all think its sloppy. listen i would scrap this and make a new kickass version to shut all these noobs up ok. keep forging.