The Hill, the Hill, the Hill is on fire. We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn. Burn motherfucker burn. The Hill is on Fire is a mini-game map where your in a hill, and said hill, is on fire. Wait, it's on an old map? **** this I'm going home. You start off in a big ol' circle. It's not on fire yet so it's cool. You'll probably have a fire grenade. It's a good idea to throw it, cuz you know, others have those grenades too. The game type is setup on KoTH, and you have vamprism. This mean the moar people you have on fire, the longer you stay alive. If the other guy has you on fire then your balanceing each other out, so AoE (area of effect) is key here. Exploding plasma thingys are laced around the Hill. It's kinda hard to avoid them. Seriously, your going to die. You see that Flamethrower in the middle? It might help who knows. It didn't help me ಠ_ಠ. Downloads: Map:The Hill is on Fire Gametype: No Water
Seems like it could be a bit of fun to jsut set people on fire but i like that you have added the vampirism effect to add a little more stratergy. I also like the lines from the song at the start its a preety good song
Nice, you've turned Guardian into a fun looking mini-game. Brilliant use of shield vampirism that allows the game to run better. If you die though you are basically screwed because it looks like you will get spawn killed. How does scoring work on this map?
I can see myself! I'm the only guy with a katana on, and the corpse in the fully orange screenshot (In fact, I'm in all of them!). Dude, this map is great! Testing this was SO fun, I'm glad I stayed around after everyone left. (I got a Killtacular!! XD)
When your in the hill you get points. If your dead your not getting points. I can't remember if kills give points. Surprisingly spawn camping isn't bad, most of the time your screens on fire so no one can see much. Plus you start with the grenades so if you get one off fast the vamp. will save you.
i loved playing this map with you fbu, goodwhale, and that one other guy(forgot who). even though most people left it was still hectic and fun with 4 people
Wow this is very original. Never would have thought of lighting people up on fire WITH vampirism. Im gettin this
Oh yeah thanks for reminding me. The game type can be used from 2-8 players, and it always stays fun. With more people it's gets crowded and crazy, with less people you have more grenades per person so your always on fire. =D
No offense but Shouldnt moderators tell others not to use foul language. And yet you are doing so. It is still a good map though.
looks cool im downloading, wat keeps people from going to the other parts of the map (not that they would want to)
Ha ha. Nice fire game on the often unused Guardian. I wonder if bubble shields or deployable covers would add a cool/weird twist to the game (although I guess a bubble shield would be too powerful inside the hill.
It looks like one of those 'Spur of the moment' type forges. Looks fun though, no one has tried things like these with firebombs, usually just plasmas.