great c4d work man.. good job. 2nd is definetly the best as loshon said. i also like the last one. Text is fairly good on all of them,and good lighting too. i honestly have not much to suggest, other than i dont really like the ripple effects on the LMFAO one, and the circle brushes on the wonder one look kinda fuzzy or something.
Thanks guys. Also if anyone would like a tut on any of them just say. Cus Im in the mood to make one.
I love the second one, and the only tutorial I would really need is how you guys cut out your images so well... I tried using the magic wand to cut out the GoW COG symbol in my signature, but it left little patches of black, and cut out little bits that I wanted to keep in...
Well I use stocks so I don't really need to do any cutting out. For your case, you could try using the magic wand at a tolerance of 1. So that it is more controlled. After you have your cutout you could blur the edges to get rid of those small choppy white lines. Or you could just use a render.