Hey im in the middle of making a Mlg map but ive run into a few problems. I intended to make it a 4v4 or 3v3 mlg map with all the gametypes (or most of them anyway) but when I showed a friend he said the map was way to small for 4v4 and 3v3 too. So I thought Id ask you guys what you think. Comment on what you think of the map so far, what gametypes could be played on it , if you think its too small, or even if you have thought of a better name that I could use. Anyways just remember its not finished yet. Ive completed the center and 75% of 1 base. All comments are welcome looking at 1 base looking from base to side alley looking at mid looking at side of base( base not finished) sorry i couldnt have more pictures It wouldnt let me it said I have too many
Well so far, i think this map looks great! Love the bridge/custom area, although is it MLG? From the looks of it the map looks more like a competitive map. If you could add an overview of the layout i would understand it more, either way i will download this once you finish it.
Yer i agree i was going to add more pics and an overview pic but when i took it in theater it said I had reached my 50 pics limit and if I wanted to take anymore I would have to delete some off bungie but i have no idea how to do that. If anyone can help plz tell me. Also you said it looks more like a competitive map than an MLG, is there a reason? This is my first MLG/competitive map but I have a ruff idea of what a mlg map looks like. Mlg maps are just maps that support the gametypes and are good for long - close range battles, and it must be a good map for the BR. Anyway thx for your comment
When you press start, you can go to screenshots. Press "x" on one of them and it comes up with rename, edit description and the last option is delete. As for the map, it's looking great and I agree with xylom that it's looking like a 2v2, possibly a 3v3 map. It is looking good so far though.