
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CP3TIMCP3, Aug 20, 2009.

  1. CP3TIMCP3

    CP3TIMCP3 Ancient
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    #1 CP3TIMCP3, Aug 20, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2009
  2. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
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    I don't think that this is the right place to post this. The Video Forum should consist of finished videos, or so I've been lead to believe. However, saying this I have seen numerous machinima-related ones advertising an upcoming one or asking others if they would like to be part it in it, so I suppose you could be right in posting this here. Anyway, I do have a capture card myself but I'm afraid I'm on holiday and won't be returning home for a while so I won't be much use. You say "finish your montage", does this mean that you had a capture card and it broke, or you got some clips from Bungie Render Pro, finishing this or something else? If you already have footage I would recommend that you post a wee snippet here in order to convince people to take the time to use their capture card to record your clips. If what you show them is good, they'll probably be more likely to help you complete your montage. Hope this works out for you.
    #2 Scottash, Aug 20, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2009
  3. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    Great Post Dude.

    A lot of the members here have Capture Cards they will use to capture videos for other members. Like Scottash said; post a video or two of what you have so far, so we know your not wasting our time.

    btw, it also helps if you ask a little bit nicer and put more time into your post.
  4. CP3TIMCP3

    CP3TIMCP3 Ancient
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    yes that is what i am talking about sorry about the post being short i was in a hurry and i would really aprreciateit if someone with a cap card could help and does anyonee know when render minute packs come out oh and for the video that i already made the ninja tage with blue link that say this scottash posted is what i am talking i did use bungie pro rendering i used the sd quality not hd
    #4 CP3TIMCP3, Aug 20, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2009
  5. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
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    Excuse me, what exactly are you talking about?
  6. CP3TIMCP3

    CP3TIMCP3 Ancient
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    the link that says this is what i need to finish because it sucks really bad and i have way better clips then most of them
  7. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
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    Oh right, well do you have any clips to encourage people to record clips for you as Huntar + I recommended?
  8. CP3TIMCP3

    CP3TIMCP3 Ancient
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    yeah i added a link at the top
  9. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    The link does not work. I clicked on it and this came up:
    I'd also advise that you use correct spelling/grammar, so people don't think you're an undeserving 10 year old who'd make a video on WMM..

    But that may just be me.
  10. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
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    The link didn't work for me either. Out of curiosity, what video editor do you use CP3TIMCP3? I ask because most of the best montages are made with advanced software such as Adobe After Effects or Sony Vegas. If you have access to these programs and can use them, then your chances of somebody agreeing to caputre your vids for you to edit would probably improve.

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