Alright so im currently working on a volcano race track map(i have been for a month now), and ive come to the problem every one has, object limit. And i can do two things. 1. Make it to were you go to the top of the volcano and drive into it and die, the checkpoint would be right before you died. I think this would work and be a creative ending, but i wanted to know what everyone else would think. 2. I could make you jump over the volcano then do a huge man cannon jump back to the begginning. Just wanted to know which one everyone prefered, thanks for looking
Option 2. More epic. There haven't been like any race track maps with working huge epic jumps. I don't like opt.1 because it'd be a pain to be in the middle of a race and you had to get back on your mongoose everytime you got back to the start.
Option 2. We need a real epic jump. Edit: How about option three? I have an idea. Make a BIG Volcano. Mancannon into the volcano onto a small platform, where you also start the race. It then leads on a path out of it. Checkpoint is in the air on the way in. What do you think?
Like this?(Hooray for paint+labtop keyboard mouse) Of course the jump would look more epic. Oh, and the blue lines are the checkpoint.
i really like the idea earth, but im to far along , plus ive already decided on option 2, thanks for all the feedback guys
Glad you chsoe option 2 Pwnsauce! Option 1 doesn't really seem like it would be an option, as it would not follow the basics of any other racetrack where the end brings you back to the start. Dieing would get annoying after awhile...