I was bored, so I made a variety of Signatures about my "The Day the Phantom Crashed into Sandtrap" screenshot. Should I replace my "Firefly" Sig with one of these, I don't know. Which One's your Favorite?
Okay, I can tell you're using GIMP, so quickie tutorial time! (QTT) Step 1. Open your stock. Re-size it as you did. Step 2. Then, in the Layer's panel, right click on the layer, then click "Duplicate Layer". Make sure the second one is above the first one. Step 3. Select the layer on the tippy top. Go to Filters>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Put the settings at 4. Step 4. Pull out the eraser tool. Select the layer with the blur on it. Erase over the spartan/mongoose. This is a great effect for creating depth in a signature. Step 5. Add text, make it simple, 100% opacity. Add a border by going Filters>Decor>Add Border. That's it! Save as a .png file after saving as an .xcf file and you're done with a signature.