Sandbox Stargate

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Yomasta152, Aug 20, 2009.

  1. Yomasta152

    Yomasta152 Ancient
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    Created by:
    Yo Masta 152 and T3cn0

    We came up with the idea for this map after watching the very first Stargate movie and then I remembered seeing something on a different map that looked similar to a Stargate. We then thought of the idea of making the Stargate lead to a pyramid like in the movie.

    Neither of us were awesome forgers and this was our first map. Most of you expert forgers could probably have finished this much faster, but this took us 10 hours while making it up as we went. We would love if everyone would give us some constructive criticism and if anyone finds some bugs let me know. We were working on making the map for more gametypes but after making it able to play bomb and territories we hit the cap. So we weren't able to place anymore spawns or goals for other gametypes (which I think they shouldn't be part of the item cap). If you find anything that you think we could get rid of to make more room please let me know.

    Download Map Here: : Halo 3 File Details

    Now I suppose I should get to some pics.

    The attacking team spawns here, they walk through the Stargate, and...

    ...Come out here. (Me with bomb)

    After that you go inside Pyramid to get to Crypt.

    You shoot out here, away from the base.

    When you shoot out u come to this corner. (Rockets hidden here)

    This is an overview of the base.

    This is an overview of the other half.

    This is the front of the base, two windows to look out.

    This is the bottom floor of the base.

    This is where the beam rifle and flare spawn. (Stairs to 2nd floor on right)

    This is inside the base and where the bomb is placed.

    Here is an alternate entrance to base.

    The alternate entrance leads to these platforms.

    This is the Camo Spawn.

    Opposite side of Camo is the Sword area.

    Download Map Here: : Halo 3 File Details

    I would like to state again that I welcome constructive criticism, as long as it's more than "This map SUX!!!". I will probably be adding some action shots when we can get more people to test it.
  2. lightsin017

    lightsin017 Ancient
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    Good Job On this map im going to download it and test it with some friends :) ill get back to u with that but ill give u 4/5
  3. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    It looks pretty good, this is funny cause im a SG junkie and i have been fiddling with making an aesthetic map based on Stargate. Anyway good job on it its clean looking and pretty well forged.
  4. Yomasta152

    Yomasta152 Ancient
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    Hey thanks for the comments guys. Yeah if you could get back to us lightsin017 that would be awesome. I'm an SG junkie as well CaptnSTFU, so when T3cn0 first told me we should I totally jumped on it.
  5. CaptainSnowy

    CaptainSnowy Ancient
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    For the most part I like it, I never thought about using the arches for a trim for my stargates, though I do like yours I still more parshel to my gate which is a circle of teleporters, only difference between mine and the origonal one is that mine has spikes and is green. Its a bit more of a kick-BLAM!- teleporter but hey. The rest of the map is interesting. I never saw the first movie just the ones after that so I'm not gana grade you on reletivity but from what I can see the aesthetics are good. As for playability I'll add it to my que and get back to you on that one, but overall nice job 3/5, I'll change it most likely positivly after I play it
  6. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    It looks quite a bit drawl and dead. Perhaps you should actually make aesthetics that people view as good looking by deleting the aesthetics that r ugly (i.e. the random pillars) I do like the stargate tho- perhaps you should pull the shield door to one side tho so then it would appear more blue and look more liek an actual stargate =D Aethetics arent everything but it makes your map stand our from other maps and it also helps th replay factor =P just givin yah sum pointersss...

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