Real7alk, one of Forgehub's many affiliates, is currently in a bit of trouble, we really cant afford to run our servers any longer than tomorrow. We managed to make a deal or gamble rather, with one of our moderators, who said that he will pay $600, enough for about a years worth of server space for the website, if we could either: get 100 people viewing the website at the same time (you do not have to register) or reach a total postcount of 200,000 (currently at 157,000) I'm sure this is against the rules here, but if you could, just stop by and try to help out our website, we are trying our hardest, and actually overworking our servers trying to save our home. Thankyou for taking the time to read this post, even if you decide not to help. -Runic Aries Edit: If you do decide to help us, thankyou very much, but you may get a message saying something such as "General Error", this is just us overworking our servers, please just try to refresh in about 2 minutes. Again, thankyou.
Either he is telling the truth; OR Thought of a clever little lie to get people to visit the site. Definitely one or the other...
Seeing as I can't navigate to the site, it appears to have been taken down. Don't think it was a lie.