Sandbox Zombie trap

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by gnurdbn, Aug 20, 2009.

  1. gnurdbn

    gnurdbn Ancient
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    Zombie trap

    Pestilence: How many zombies can the survivor kill before they kill him. It's all a matter of time before they do so.

    The goal as the survivor is to kill as many om the zombies or "plaugebearers" as possible before you die yourself. All you've got is a shotgun with more ammo than you'll need. The zombies will drop down in either of the 4 entrances to the room where the survivor is stuck. Recomended size: 3-8, but could be anything between 2-16.




    The Zombies are red of all the blood from their previous victims, and it does match the walls quite well. The zombies are armed with swords. They are very slow and weak while the survivor can run at normal speed and can take a couple of hits before dying.

    Sometimes there are just too many zombies...

    After 60 seconds, one mauler will spawn at every zombie respawn location giving the ones who pic them up some firepower aswell. And after 90 secs a custom powerup will spawn too, accessible for the zombies, which makes them faster. Survivors have to watch out for these.


    But don't worry, the survivor will get some fancy gadgets too, such as a bubble shield (after 30 sec), a deployable cover (after 45 sec), a frag nade (after 60 sec) and a trip mine (after 90 sec). These are accessible for everyone. There's one item in each corner.


    Thats one extra kill...


    Tough luck... A problem is that if anyone joins in the middle of a game they will also become a survivor, but the zombies didn't seem to care this time


    Uh oh...

    If you like multi-kills, this is the game for you :)

    An assasination will kill you no matter what.

    Yes that does work...

    The killball didn't kill this fella, and it won't kill anyone else, so don't be afraid to step on it.

    "Game started"

    Believe's really scary when they all come towards you at once.

    Fiestilence: A fiesta version of Pestilence, lot's of fun, very random, and it really does make you laugh when you're stuck with something like a plasma pistol or a spartan laser when they all come rushing against you.

    Hah, this is me pretending to be afk :D

    The maulers will also be random, which could result in basically anything.


    Even more randomness...


    Edit: Thank you VIBlackDragonIV for helping me size my pics, Your method didn't quite work, but I figured another way thanks to you.​

    And by the way, I would be happy to play this with any of you sometime, just pm me. :)
    #1 gnurdbn, Aug 20, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2009
  2. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
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    If you can find anyway of making the pics bigger please do and if photobucket still not working right for you go to and use that

    But anyway make the pics bigger and I will make further comments
  3. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok I dont understand why people keep saying that I used it like three days ago and someone else used it yesterday that I kno. Please try bc it will give you much better pics. Just look at the top right type in your gamertag. It will load the pics cklick on the picture you want and scroll to the bottom. Just copy theBB Code and put it in your post. If you are using photobucket go to Your home page and underneath "my albums" and "find stuff" there is a drop down call "edit images". The first option is to resize and you can make the pics 640X360. Here are a few of yours I'm doing this only bc you are new and you learning how might be difficult.
    EDIT: Good job on getting your pics up I'm glad they are finally up and running. This seems like a good game to just fool around with friends on. Its actually well forged and I can tell you put effort in it. Good jop on getting everything working and welcome to Forgehub.
    #3 VIBlackDragonIV, Aug 20, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2009
  4. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    This looks like a great map to play at lans. I really can't see anything wrong with it. Maybe for a V2 make the arena twice as big with tunnels that go under the map. Good job
  5. 12 inch winner

    12 inch winner Ancient
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    not that orginal of an idea but i like it it seems well balanced unlike other maps ive play of this type and forging is also well done i think ill actually download this after i make room . im always looking for new innovative infection maps and this looks like a good one. maybe in version 2 add some more weapons that spawn at different times? but never mind that 8/10
    #5 12 inch winner, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009

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