Commandos Only! is an urban style map that was built for both objective and slayer games. Download Commandos Only! : Halo 3 File Details Weapons: Battlerifle x10 Carbine x2 Needler x2 Smg x2 Plasma rifle x2 Spikers x2 Rocket x2 Sniper x2 Shotgun x2 Missle Pod x2 Warthog x2 Mongoose x3 Chopper x1 Energy Drain x1 Bubble x1 Regenerator x2 Map setup for: FFA - Slayer, Juggernaught, Oddball, King of the hill Multi-Team - Slayer, Oddball, King of the hill, Territories 4 or 5 players/team - Slayer, King of the hill, Vip, Territories, Flags, Bombs Bigteam - Slayer, VIP, King of the hill, Territories, Flags, Bombs Pics: Hope you like it. *note* This map has NOT been tested lots, I'm just having a really hard time getting people online lately. And yes.... you can go on the roofs. And no.... going on the roof with the sniper won't allow you to spawn camp. If you think so, then start up a little custom and try for yourself, but the spawns are VERY covered. I was going to put a tank in the map (its why the streets are that wide), but I know how everyone hates the scorpion (unless they're in it) so I left it out. I still got some budget ($54) and OLN so if anybody has any suggestions on makin this a better map.....
Nice job, I came on here looking for urban maps after recently completing my own. Although I was trying a bit to hard for a call of duty 4 type map so yea... it turned out OK though, but enough about me this map is good I would've liked to see more cover out in the streets and at least 1 more building about a double wall, by , double wall. 4/5
Looks good. If you want to add a scorpion, just go for it! I don't think it would be too unbalanced, the streets are wide enough for it, but at the same time it would be easy to get boarded. That would also be something that would set it apart from other urban maps.