My brother and I were playing Campaign, and suddenly, we had a great idea. As we were playing Legendary on The Covenant, we decided to take pictures of our squad of four elites. We got posed ready, and here we are, with a whole bunch of epicsauce, beauty, and humor. This...THIS IS SPARTA!!! The Crew Don't F*** with me!!! Lets MOVE! Chief's Real reason for coming to If you would like a Link to my File share, here it is. Request more pictures if you like these, This account dies soon. I have a ton of better ones so tell me about your first impressions. Note: We did this offline, the other great shots cannot be found on Sorry Comments?
I've never seen that color of Elite armor before. And if you guys were olaying those Elites, how are you all in the same armor? Besides that I like the one titled "Don't f*ck with me"(?). The one with the white light trim on their armor.
Thanks, and it say that we were playing campaign, thats how their weapons are lowered and would explain the dead drone body in the upper left corner of one of the elite pictures. Thanks for the comment.
That isnt what I was asking. Ok so you were playing campaign. What I would like to know is how you and your friends are all the same type and colored Elites? In four play campign one guy is Chief, Arbiter, combat armored Elite (blue) and flight armor Elite(red). Like I said before the shots are good, but I am just curious as to how you pulled this off.
We allied up with our elites. In Legendary, you get five elites with you. Still, your response is irrelevant because I said I did the mission with my bro offline. If I didn't say that then sorry. When your offine, playing 2 player coop, you always are the master chief of the arbiter.
LOL fail. Nice pics, although they are quite plain, but funny. The third one would make a nice action shot, but the background is kills it.
The last one looks like cheif's strangling him, not about to make out. Don't F*** With Me is pretty good too.
The last one i think master chief do have love in their eyes , i think its pain he have in the eyes !