Debate Big Bang vs Religion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by luckiesnipes, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    He wasn't anti-religious he was anti-semitic. Furthermore if Hitler believed he was a Catholic, and followed the Catholic way of life, he was a Catholic. Committing crimes doesn't make him any less Catholic. And while it was uncertain whether he was Catholic or just used it to his political advantage, Benito Mussolini most certainly was. My favourite quote of his:

    "Blood alone turns the wheels of history!"

    And if the bible can be taken at it's word, he would be in heaven, just like all the other Catholics.
  2. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    1) Leviticus is a book of laws invented by the jews.
    2) Read 1
    3) That's not my point.
    4) I totally almost died in laughter when I read this. Do you even know what a religion is? It does NOT matter what someone calls themselves. I can call myself the best football player ever but no matter what my actions don't prove it. Same thing goes with religion. You have a total misconception. If I called myself a Christian and broke every law in the Bible, I would be a hypocrite, therefore not a Christian.

    Read what I said to the last guy.
  3. Gigai

    Gigai Ancient
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    No religion teaches to murder constantly, but every holy book (I'm talking about the top three) has at least one point in which people die because of God's jealousy or wrath.

    Atheists are blamed all the time for lack of morals, because we don't have a camera watching us constantly, but we get more fault for single people that any Christian does. Names are thrown at us like Stalin, Hitler, and Tojo, who are thought by them to be reputable atheists. I don't see many single Christians of this day and age being blamed for this. The Crusades sucked, but they were carried out by multiple people following, 'the word of God', so attacking them, in my mind, is fairly legit.

    Back to the issue of the big bang, I don't believe that it generally has to dispute with religious belief. In the modern ere, new discoveries are being made every day, so your perception of religion also has to evolve to suit those discoveries. I believe that when science tells you something is true, but religion disputes it, you always have to take religious text with a grain of salt. Otherwise, you are holding back scientific progress and should live somewhere where the rest of us can't see you.
  4. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    1) So now we have a top 3 holy books? That really helps me understand what you're talking about. /sarcasm
    2) Nice useless paragraph you got there.
    3) Hm maybe you should look at the key word "I dont see" maybe not you? IMO Christians are persecuted a hell of a lot more than any atheist ever was, and I'm sorry but that's the truth.

    Wait wait wait so because multiple people carried out the crusades on the word of god gives you a "legit" reason to attack them?
  5. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    The 3 Main religions...
    Therefore implying the 3 "top" holy books
  6. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Excecute program: Insultinganswer.exe

    Religion sucks.

    Anyone who would follow it to the point of believing in creationism is an idiot.

    If this is what you believe, you are an idiot.

    End program.

    P.S. Yes, I will debate intelligently if challenged to do so.
    #26 Time Glitch, Apr 29, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2009
  7. Gigai

    Gigai Ancient
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    I can see by how I phrased the statement it could lead you to that conclusion, but give me a chance to state my belief on the matter.

    Take Stalin, for example: He was an Atheist. His rule killed a few million of his own people. These deaths stem from his faulty leadership and personal paranoia. Famines killed a good amount of people and so did the purges against his enemies. [Damn did he hate those Poles]

    The Crusades, on the other hand were orchestrated by a number of popes and religious councils over a period of several hundred years. These attacks weren't over a specific ethnic class or race, but over those who chose to believe in a different (forgive the term) 'invisible pink unicorn'.

    I believe that you can put blame on religion for this, because these acts were all orchestrated over a series of centuries by people ruling under the 'Word of God'. While, on the other hand, rulers like Tojo or Stalin were one time rulers who ****ed up. Stalin's goals weren't to wipe out blaspheming heathens. He didn't have any illusions of grandeur, he wasn't doing these things because 'God' told him to, but because he was a paranoid individual who wanted to posses as much power as he possibly could.

    Now, I'm not saying that the orchestrators of The Crusades had different motives than Stalin. I'm sure most of them were attacking other religions for similar reasons, but when you justify your action by telling that God told you to do it, it becomes an entirely different matter. These rulers used their holy book as justification for the reason why the other creeds must be exterminated. It's the same holy book we use today, so what has changed?
  8. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    You shouldn't discuss it like "Science vs Religion".
    Many people believe that a God created the world through causing the Big Bang, knowing that it would cause evolution and the human race.
  9. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
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    Big Bang. There's to much information and Data supporting this than Religion that people just think the world started from nothing....... sounds like something from a storybook for 2 year olds.
  10. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Although I ****ing love you to death Time Glitch, that was pretty damn insulting to those who worship a god. I'm pretty much atheist but have spiritual beliefs pertaining to Buddhists and Shamans. There's no creation involved in my beliefs, but I still follow moral and ethical traditions. I do believe in a spirit world though.

    Now, when addressing Buddhist reincarnation, I do believe that is a possibility. I'm just very skeptical on it, such as Karma affecting your next life. I don't believe in any supernatural or magical bullshit. (ex. miracles, luck, Karma, etc..) Buddhists and Shamans don't actually worship a deity.

    Essentially, I've created my own beliefs, and I am very satisfied with my view on life. Previously being an Atheist, I was truly frightened of death. It all hit me one night in bed, I thought to myself, "If life is it, I'm always headed towards death."

    I understand now why religion is so beneficial to people. It reassures you that death isn't it. You don't need to believe in any form of creation to experience this and you don't need to waste time proving yourself to a 'god' to achieve a sense of peace.

    Believe in yourself.
    #30 Jimbodawg, Aug 20, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2009
  11. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I can just imagine it:

    As narrated by Morgan Freeman:

    One night, one little boy lay wide awake in a warm, comfortable room after eating a steaming hot meal, and deciding to head off for bed. As he sat, he listened to the darkness, but this darkness had seemingly changed. This darkness swatted at him; it spoke soundless threats at him; and most importantly, it scared him. This moment of this child's life was very important. It was at this very single moment that this boy feared the unknown. As he sat in layers on top of layers of cushioned blankets, he was scared. So, he decided to believe in something more. Not something magical, or unrealistic, but something that convinced the very stronghold of his living soul. What was this, "something more", you ask? It was himself.

    *plays dramatic music*

    The End
  12. a dying animal

    a dying animal Ancient
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    I think that the bigbang theory is right because they have evidence of it happening but it is still a god idea to stay open minded about these things because i could be wrong.
  13. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    1st of all, it wasn't actually big, besides big is subject to opinion, second, there was nothing to carry a sound, so there was no bang. Ironically, the term was coined by someone who disagreed with the theory completely.

    Also, why do people keep writing things like "Big Bang VS Religion" isn't it possible that something like a God started the 'big bang'?
    And Finally, we have no idea whether there was anything before the 'Big Bang', it's possible another universe collapsed ("Big Crunch" Theory) and then there would be a single point of extreme mass which could trigger a "Big Bang".
  14. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
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    The big bang all the way
  15. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    The big bang.. Religion was just recenlty made up by humans only a few thousand years ago.
  16. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    I'm not religous, but The Big Bang was recently made up by humans only a few hundred years ago, it might be true, but your point doesn't stand considering that the big bang theory is even younger then religion.
  17. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    I am not talking about when the big bang was discovered.. I am refering to when it actually took place. You missunderstood my post.
  18. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
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    The Data supporting the Big Bang is more accurate than the Data about religion.
  19. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    Nobody ****ing knows. I don't believe in either.
  20. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Well, that solves everything.. Thanks for the input.

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