I'm back, with some more silhouette shots. I think there is a effect in here that none of you have seen yet. Click the title to view it on my Fileshare. Divided Back to Back iForge (redid the shot for a darker silhouette) Yes, I know Back to Back and Divided are at the same angle, but it's a very hard angle to get right and I wanted those two different color effects.
You overdid the effect. The second and third aren't that good but the first one is awesome! If your goning to put one on your fileshare do that one. 8.5/10 for the first and 6.5/10 for the other 2
The first is perfect, because of the Katana, that like separe the shot and it is nice, really nice. The others are meh...
"Back to Back" was not supposed to be much different than the other one, "Divided" was the one I was really showcasing, the others are more just bonus. But thanks
Wow, Divided is so Bfave worthy... Back to Back is sick too. iForge is meh.. You have got to teach us how to do that specific silhouette effect.
It's basically just the regular Silhouette effect looking at a specific angle. It would be hard to explain exactly how do it, but perhaps I could make a guide.
Divided is devinately my favorite although im not sure if you used photoshop or not. If you didn't then im not that impressed.
I agree with the majority. The first one is bad ass. So much so you should turn it into your sig. And the other are ok at best.
One and Three are great. The darker BG fill of Version one defines the image more than it does in Version two. Third is good for similar raisins, lol, and the monitor is epic secks.
Dayummm!! Those are legit. RECON worthy even. :ninjacowboy: I KNOW ITS NOT A REAL SMILEY It should be though
Lol. Ima use the first one as my desktop, if it fits. Just so darn AWESOME! iForge is pretty cool, too.
I think the first ones the best because the katana divides it up. I would have to say that: 1) 8.5/10 2) 6/10 3) 3/10