Hari won Hello, I am looking for someone to make me an amazing site banner for my website twistedmodz. I want the banner to be based on Call of Duty Modern Warefare 2. It has to be original and it has to say TwistedModz somewhere in it. It has to be 1038x226 "in pixels" I will pay the person with the best banner $10 PayPal. Message me in a PM if you want to do it and my MSN instant messenger email is spartacushacks@live.com thanks.
Hmm, I'll consider it. No need for the money though, I dont want it. Can you specify the height and width (In pixels)?
Okay, I'll try to get it to you as quick as possible, but I have football practice everday, and school starting soon, so I apoligize in advance if it takes a while.
I was looking for higher quality and more pictures. you may not have allot at your disposal, you may need to wait until the game actually comes out to get those pictures
wow, looks nice, but I need to see the others too, but maybe you could edit the name more and give it more spice? I want it to all look amazing
Here's just a rough copy. I'm not done with it yet, I still want to change the text, and do a little touching up, but here's what I've got so far: Btw, do you know the name of the text in your sig? EDIT: And for some reason, it's not the right size. I'll fix that too.