Vanishing.Point Click to download AND get free candy... :OWNLOAD Vanishing.Point:: Map Description: Map Type: Competitive Gametypes Supported: 1 Flag, 1 Bomb, & Team Slayer, Team Ball, KOTH, and VIP variant "Gift Giver" Number of Players Supported: 8-10 General Description: This map was created with asymmetric gametypes in mind. Some of the map's components change when you switch between symmetric & asymmetric games (e.g. the warthog). It is built with different levels in many of the structures. This makes the map larger than it looks at first. The aesthetics of the map help produce its theme. An underground town is closed off to the outside world by the two large gates at each end of the road...ugh...and now they must capture the flag?(er... u might need to use your imagination for that haha). Weapon List: *[Weapon]=[# on map]/[# or spare clips]/[respawn time] -Laser=1/0/90 -Rockets=2/0/90 -Sniper=2/1/120 -BruteShot=2/1/60 -Mauler=2/1/60 -Needles=2/2/60 -Shotgun=1/0/90 -BR=7/2/10 -Carbine=2/2/10 Equipment List: *[Equipment]=[# on map]/[respawn time] -Plasmas=10/20 -Power Drain=2/60 -Regen=2/90 -Bubble=2/90 -Overshield=1/120 Vehicle List: -Warthog=1/60sec/Asymmetric Game Types -Mongoose=2/30 sec and Instant Respawn Now for some pictures: 1.)Overview with weapon placement (there are BRs and Carbines. Too many to label) 2.)Overview with equipment placement 3.)Blue/Attacker base overview 4.)Red/Defender base overview 5.)Parking structure overview 6.)View from Red to Blue base 7.)View from Blue to Red Base 8.)View of stair well/mauler spawn in Parking structure 9.View of rocket spawn in corner of parking structure/Notice jump into back of parking garage and 2 bottom entrances 10.)Ground to Blue Base 11.)Ground to Red Base Click to download AND remember CANDY... :OWNLOAD Vanishing.Point::
very nice map. this has some great forging and i really like the highway / road / walkway thing you have in the middle of the map. I think that it, whatever it is, could use a *little* more cover. just here and there. because anyone up there could easily be shot from many points on the map, and that would take away people's interest to go up there. but overall, great map 4.5/5
That has been said b4. There are regens at each end and it is pretty high above the ground, so it is actually pretty hard to get a clear shot on anyone up there. Cover would make it tooo powerful of a location. Thanks for your input tho will consider.
This map looks amazing, the forging is good. In my opinion there are to many power weapons. I think you should take the laser off put rockets in the middle (one spare clip).
This has got to be one of the best crypt maps i have seen in a while. Like the detail you did with teleporters on the bridge, also looks like you have some cool structures in there. Kill balls in the crypt usually ruin the map but you have made it look quite good. Either way i give it 4.5/5
The kill ball's main purpose is for aesthetics. It is possible to easily jump on top of the red base, so it also serves as a reason not to mess around up there as well. Thanx for the compliments =]
Very nice map, my last DL until September 22. Anyways, the map looks great. I've seen 3 bridges in the past week, this being the last, and they were all good. Placement of weapons seems great, and this will be like a version of Tsavo Standoff before the bridge was broken, and with a city enviroment. I can't give an accurate rating, due to not being able to play. So I can judge only from the pictures, but all in all, this is a good map.
The raised highway made from the huge blocks looks nice. Some more cover up on the bridge would be nice but don't put cover near the laser. The platform things, aw I forget what there called, that you used as decorative supports for the bridge could be placed a little better. The placement and choice of equipment and weapons is a little unbalanced considering the one team gets a hog. I would remove the regenerators because anyone going to grab the laser can pick one up. This would allow the person with the laser to place the regen and have extra time to laser the hog if being shot at. Also, I might suggest that you place a power drain in each base instead of two close the the red base just in case the red team gets the hog. And maybe remove all rockets because on a small map, hitting a hog with rockets is much easier than with the laser. You have a few to many power weapons on the map for my taste. I might also remove the red mauler(since they have a shotgun) and red bubble(it gives the shotgun too big of an advantage when used at the flag spawn). Your forging is good on this map, nice and neat. And the basic design is original. My only concern is the weapon/equipment balance.
Hey, Short Bizzle, remember me? You showed some other dude and I the map while you were still working on it, and I thought it looked really cool. It looks better now though. I'd like to get a game on it some time. By the way, I had the most fun in that forge session escaping the map in all possible ways.
hey man i loved playing this map with you and nondual. you did a great job. i like the fact that it plays perfect for almost every game type. good work. 5/5.
Very good suggestions with the weapons. I think i will switch some of the weapons to only be on different game types. Like no rockets on when the warthog is on. Thanks for the suggestions! I will implement these and put them on V2
The forging you did on this map is as clean as it gets in my opinion. I love the layout of this map even though im not a huge fan of many Asymmetric maps, this map made me like 1 sided maps more. I really like the base designs and of course the bridge is sweet and perfectly done, really looks like a high-speed monorail track.I think the bridge is just fine the way it is, like you said its pretty high up and its definately not easy to get a good angle on someone up on the bridge when your shooting from the lower levels, so it makes the bridge useful.The only thing i would do, is make the laser ,rocket and powerdrain spawns a little longer to give the hog more of a fighting chance, thats pretty much it i think. Very solid map! Your maps just keep getting better all the time. 94/100% Keep up the good work!
Good forged sandbox map ! Its look like a destroy city are something like that i like the way you show were are the guns on the map ! I give you 4.5/5 because the map are good put .... Nothing im joking 5/5 !
Very nice map. The warthog seems to work well and I like the center curved highway. My only suggestion is to take away a few of the power weapons or some clips off.
I love this map man! We've played on it a lot, and I still look forward to playing it some more. The aesthetics are really unique and amazing I think. I really think you did a good job placing the hill and VIP points.