Foundry Meteor Brothers Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Prodigious 7k, Aug 19, 2009.

  1. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    Made by: Prodigious 7k

    The Meteor Brothers are a very fun pair of mini game maps which support both gametypes well. These maps and the history behind them has made them very important to me. The very original mongoose based one was one of my first good games, and through different versions has remained a constant during my forging life. Even though they support the same gametype, the maps are very different and each combination requires a different strategy to the others. This makes the game play different every time you play. So on with the game.

    Before we get to the maps, here are brief descriptions of the gametypes the maps support. Both Gametypes revolve around the people in mongooses driving around, dodging rockets, while the people on platforms shoot at them with rockets, simple. Below are more in depth descriptions of each gametype.

    Infection – The idea of the infection gametype is for the zombie to infect the humans by shooting them with rockets and brute shots. They can also kill them with the firebomb grenades on instant-respawn by their feet, and the various equipment they pick up at the start of the round (trip mines, power drains and flares).The Humans on the other hand have to stay alive by driving around on mongooses and using the equipment provided for them (bubble shields and regenerators) for the full 2 minutes and/or being the “Last Man Standing”, which earns the player 5 points. In this gametype everyone has unlimited lives.

    KOTH – The KOTH gametype is a team version of the infection game. One team (The Defenders) has to live as long as possible in the hill, getting points for every second they are alive. They stay alive by driving around on the mongooses and dodging the enemy attacks. In case you hadn’t realised you spawn inside the hill (during testing someone kept driving into the wall trying to get into the hill, lol). They can also use the bubble shields and regenerators provided. The other team (The Attackers) has to make sure the enemy team get as little points as possible by using the provided rocket launchers, equipment (power drain, flare, trip mine) and firebomb grenades to kill The Defenders. In this gametype everyone has only one life.

    The History of this game
    I realise nobody is going to read this block of text, but I felt I needed to tell everyone for some unknown reason.

    June 2008 – I had recently started toying with forge and made a game called “rats in a on barrel” (like the phrase “Like shooting fish in a barrel!” except they where brown like rats, that’s why I called it rats, not fish) which was a zombie with a sniper in a box, shooting down at humans running wildly in a circle around 3 single box’s across in diameter. Which was kind of cool, and I might remake some time.
    June 2008 – A friend (SasquatchEffect) fixes the map but I don’t like that I didn’t fix it so I called it “rats in a on barrel CRAQ”, (CRAQ being hidden CRAP!!!!!!!! Hate you!!!).
    July/august-ish 2008 – I was randomly in forge with a friend (Babysnipes40) trying to think of an awesome mini game that is awesome when we stuck a person on a platform with a rocket launcher, and another person on a mongoose (I made a mongoose to escape his rockets) it was amazingly fun. So we finished the first “MONGOOSE IN A on BARREL CRAQ VM” (VM meaning version mongooses). From then on I spent a long, long time playing it, showing it off, fixing it and experimenting with different obstacles, jumps etc.
    September 2008 – “MONGOOSE IN A on BARREL CRAQ VM9” was finished along with the series, or so I thought
    April 2009 – After finally being bothered to post my first map on forge hub (after being a member for 10 months) I posted “MONGOOSE IN A on BARREL CRAQ VM9”. To be honest, it went down horribly. Not one good comment, even though everyone outside forums that I had shown it to had loved it.
    May 2009 – I discovered “Grifball High” and instantly jumped in and made "Sky Bubble Craq". It was rubbish, the spawning was bad and the area was too small. The only thing worth keeping about the map was the gametype. Up until now the series had only supported a primitive version of the infection gametype you see today. This new map supported a primitive version of the KOTH gametype you see today. Just as the other map, it got flamed and shouted at for “stealing” the Grifball map. I did have permission by the way. Anyway this was one of my first maps to be posted outside Forge Hub, on Forge Battle and Mini Game Forging, and it went down well there.
    June 2009 – I attempt a new Sky Bubble Craq. I got annoyed and ended up deleting a smiley face in it.
    August 2009 – I begin work on the map you know as “Bubbly kids” after my internet went down for an hour, when I showed my friends (who had been playing and following the series since the very first) the base circle because that was all I had done, the comments went as follows:
    Rat 437 – “Well it’s not exactly a square is it.”
    shooter 517 – “It’s nothing special, it’s just a circle.”
    TULLY13 – “This is awesome prod.”
    August 2009 – Most of the building was complete and testing was about to begin when I joined Canadians360’s game to find to my horror a map using an almost identical gametype to the KOTH one used on “Sky Bubble Craq”. After I told him about it and sent him a link to the old maps posted on forge hub Canadians360 asked is I was going to make the maps into a map pack. It was him asking this which gave me the idea of releasing a new, brightened up foundry version as well as the new sandbox one as a pair. Before I was only going to release the sandbox one. I have to admit though, Canadians360’s and MultiLockOn’s game did give me the idea to use equipment and eventually firebomb grenades on the map, and for this I am very grateful.
    As you read this – So there you have it, the back story to these maps and also proof that I did not copy Canadians360 and MultiLockOn (Canadians360 has said they did not copy my old maps, and I trust that wasn’t a lie). As for the name change, nobody will take CRAQ seriously will they, no matter how many different pronunciations there are for it. Burning children are a much more serious issue.

    Map 1: Bubbly Kids.
    Bubbly kids is the first map of this type that is a circle. Because of this the driving style of the Humans/Defenders compares to all the other maps I have made of this style. Because of sandbox, sadly there is no scenery that can get shot down as with the foundry map :(.

    Here are some screenshots.



    There are 4 of these on the map.

    Zombie/Attackers spawn tunnel
    The spawn tunnel for this map is slightly different to the one on the foundry map. It has a door. The way it works is after 10 seconds an overshield spawns telling you that the man cannon has spawned, this turns the block into a touch door (you touch it, it slides open), freeing the Zombie/Attackers. This delayed start is to give the Humans/Defenders a chance to start moving. This applies to the length of the foundry spawn tunnel also.

    Map 2: Burning kids.
    Burning kids is a remake of the original foundry map (Read history bit for more info) and has a very different game play from the sandbox version further down.
    Here are some screenshots.


    Zombie/Attacker platform. They are at the top of the map, so you cannot jump off.Of which there are 3.



    Zombie/Attacker scenery.
    The scenery around the map on the same level as the Attackers/Zombies which can be shot down to corner people, block off a route and make them slow down by crashing or stopping and turning.

    Differences from the Sandbox version:
    ·It is slightly larger.
    ·It is square.
    ·It has jumps.
    ·It has scenery/obstacles.
    ·There is no door in the tunnel.
    ·There are only 3 platforms, as opposed to 4 in the sandbox one.

    Here are some action screenshots.








    Here are the download links if you missed them.
    Download KOTH Gametype: Asteroids Crash
    Download Infection Gametype: Comets Crash
    Download Foundry Map: Burning Kids.
    Download Sandbox Map: Bubbly Kids.

    I would like to thank all the testers and people in the film:
    Rat 437
    Forgotten Wing
    mista tipsta
    Master Jamster
    iTm l Hurricane
    ll ReAcTiioN x

    I would like to thank Master Jamster, UnwantedWolf, shooter517, Rat 437, calum9216 and JayDee 106 for being there all the way from the very beginning and many of them helped test these ones. Babysnipes40 also gets a major shout because without him, the first mongoose map would have never existed, the same goes to SasquatchEffect for adding the CRAQ. A Pretty Pwn E gets a shout too for his continuing support from the first Forge Hub post. Sorry if I have forgotten anyone, you all have my thanks.

    I hope you download the game and enjoy it as I know you will.
    #1 Prodigious 7k, Aug 19, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2009
  2. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
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    Wow this looks like this a lot of fun. I'm sure these kinds of maps have been attempted before but this looks so well done I doubt they're as good as these two.
    How often does the equipment spawn because the power drainer seems like it would be very potent. Also how do you do the slideshow pics?
    Overall this is a very impressive map great job. Kudos
  3. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Looks very fun. Both versions are very well forged, i dont think ive ever seen maps like these before. 5/5, once i get an account im going to paly this for like a whole day...
  4. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    Yes they have been attampted before, quite alot by me, anyway. The equipment doesn't respawn and the "Slideshow pics" are .GIF files. you need to download software to create them, they can be very useful. The software i use is photoscape and free.

    I'm glad you like it, cheers for the comment and i hope you have fun.
    #4 Prodigious 7k, Aug 19, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2009
  5. LivesOn

    LivesOn Ancient
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    Great job, you have a definite "Yes" from me.

    On the serious side of things, the map looks great and I will definitely download both maps. You have a 5/5 for now. I love chaotic games ;D
    #5 LivesOn, Aug 19, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2009
  6. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    Very nice, but it looks as if it is possible for a zombie to escape the platform?
    Other than that, very, very original and amazingly executed,
  7. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    No, it states in the post somewhere, but they are at the top fo the map, so you cannot jump. escape from them on both maps is impossible.
  8. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    That looks really fun. I like how the human platform on the bubbly kids map is so circular and cool looking, lol.

    It seems like a simple, yet realistic concept. Nice map! 4.5/5
  9. fireskull

    fireskull Ancient
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    I like the lookk of these very much. I'm going to download the sandbox one to use in my group's gamenight.

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