THIS MAP IS OUTDATED. PLEASE SEE VERSION TWO map: gametype: Soccer Finally! a game of soccer where you can finaaly earn points by hittin the soccer (or in this case golf) ball into the oponets goal. you need at the very least four players to play. unfortunately, one of those players will be trapped in a box for a short period of time. why that is, and how the mechanism works will be explained later in the techinical sction, but for now, lets look at some pictures! Field overview (roof removed) ^^ More field, inside this time (note the goal in the back)^^ haha splattered! exterior map overview Gameplay and Technical for gameplay to be best, i would recommend a 4v4 or 5v5. because one player is left off the field for scoring purposes, there is always one less player per team. so a game with eight people translates to a 3v3 match. there are two golf clubs on the map, one at each end. these should be used for the goalie, as they are supiriour at hitting the ball away, but inferior to attacking other players. the game is a KOTH varient. short rounds, but ten of them. games go on for usually 7-10 mins. and everyone starts with swords. now how the mechanism works. this is an overview of almost the entire thing, with the back wall removed.^^ first, the ball is pushed into the goal^^ it then falls down a chute. you can kinda see it at the bottom. the teles are there to stop players from entering the goal.^^ that collum in the back is the chute the ball falls down. it rolls out that, into the troth you see here. a gravlift and a mancannon push the ball down the troth ^^ it flies at these fusion coils, and nocks them into another mancannon. the ball is then pushed aside by a shield door ^^ the fusion coil is launched at that small box, where othe fusion coils await. ^^ the man inside the box then dies ^^ there is the exact same mechanism on the otherside. there is a hill at ground level, and both boxes are inside the hill. you cannot get any points when the hill is contested. so when one of the players in the box dies, the other is now uncontested in the hill. he gets one point, and the round ends. have fun and thanks for looking! map: gametype: THIS MAP IS OUTDATED. PLEASE SEE VERSION TWO -------- if you liked that, feel free to check out my other mini game, "Bounce"!
I'm not going to lie, having a 1/4 chance of sitting out every game would suck. other then that, it looks like a good map, well forged, well though out etc. However, i think that simply because no one likes sitting around twiddling their thumbs, this wont go far. if you cold find a way to make everyone play, then this would be amazing.
i know, however, the person who sits out only does so far one round. thats only like a minute and a half. thats the one flaw i have with this map, but it is godly fun otherwise
ok well done on making a working soccer map, but there are better switches and ways to make goals rather than to just push 1 player aside for a round, e.g the bomb ones, (cba to explain right now) look into other soccer maps on how they did the scoring, but still, well done layout 7/10 originality 3/10 asthetics 7/10 overall good map but change the scoring for the unlucky player
Here's a good idea: Make a spectator box for the player in said box, and give them a brute shot/rockets or something. If the players are invulnerable, as they should be, it won't matter killing wise, but it will still be interesting.
ah, but the players are not invulnerable. they can be killed by the other team, which makes for more fun gameplay. if i were to use a bomb variant, it would be essentially grifball, which i do not want. if anyone can figure out a way to make it so all you need to do is push the soccer ball into the hole, and then a point would be scored, that would be amazing. however, i considered all the options, and this is all that i could come up with. if i ever do figure out a new way, i will most certainly do it. however, thank you for the reviews and commments so far, keep them coming!
Scoring: 1) Ball falls into hole (goal) 2) Ball blocks receiver (requires re-working your little contraption you have set up) 3) Player walks through senders to instantly capture a hill / plant a bomb behind the senders. 4) Round ends
i like the way the scoring is set up. i agree...making it a bomb game would make it too much like grifball, it would lose the soccer touch. and plus sitting out for a minute or so isnt that bad
.....Making it assault would NOT make it like Griffball at all. The point wouldn't be to plant a bomb, it would be to get the goal, the only thing similar is the fact that it is assault. A good scoring system doesn't turn soccer into a mash pit of hammers. note to OP: I believe the fact that you can kill the other team makes it slightly less like soccer, just my opinion.
this is the second time today i have been amazed by the beauty of the simplest solutions(f-ing occoms razor). that being said, you are a genius. i kind of want to try that.
ahh but there is a problem. that requires more than one step, its not just, ball in hole point given. and what if red team puts the ball in and blocks the tele, but then blue walks into the tele and gets the point? i thought about that too
Well, this scoring system could use a lot of work. There are a lot of better systems to use rather then one that places one member immobile for a round. If you want to see one that I have come to use go digging around my threads and you should stumble upon it. I have come to find that the best set up, rather than a one point per round system, is to allow for infinite scoring per round; and then set the game to only one or two rounds. That makes the game play much more like soccer truly does. BTW - I would take off damage; defeats the purpose a little if you can just kill the whole team and then casually knock the ball in.
The scoring mechanism was a good idea. It would take a while to make, but for the player sitting out not to be too bored, they could somehow have a view of the field.
Bio, I know what you mean, I know you want a point without having the player do anything after the score, but I'd rather do it differently than have someone else sit out. I'm not going to yell at you to change it though. You mentioned the wrong team getting the point with what I said . . . You're right if you're playing KotH, but bomb would work. Just put the right bomb right on the plant point.
A working soccer game has been done before. But I must tell you that the mechanics of this are not too swell. To sacrifice one player.. you have to at least have him watch!
its not that easy. Ive made a game called air hockey, hell of a lot like any other soccer game, and that doesnt work. Wherever the receiver is, you can go through the sender before you block it. and he has no room for an area that he can simply have a territory. your ball, has to UNBLOCK a reciever node, then- you go through the sender, capturing the territory at the reciever
Cant you simply have one person plug in 2 controllers and have the gamertag(1) sit out as no one will be on it?
Solution: The problem is assasinating. I still can't think of a solution to that, but a game called hogball didn't find a solution, but more of a way around the problem. The game is designed for vehicles, you can't be assasinated, and they're really fun to. Unless some one can counter the assasination problem, I think this game should be completely re-worked, and hogball is a step in the right direction.
hmm. i still believe in a one step scoring system, and the soccer picture you showed me is creative but two step none the less. however, hog ball gave me a very interesting adea. its step to eliminate camping was to put the respawn points somewhere, and that could lead somewhere, ill think about reworking this