Forging 201: Interlocking Sandbox Default Items.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mander, Aug 16, 2009.

  1. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Forging 101: Interlocking Sandbox Default Items.

    Here are some more useful tips that I found for interlocking default items on Sandbox:

    When setting a default item to not spawn at start one of three things will happen (The following is ranked in order of how common they occur, #1 being the most common):

    1) When you start a new round the object will still be there but you will be unable to access it's options (no green hand). After about 30 seconds it will disappear and then reappear whenever it hits the spawn time you set it to (so if you set it to not spawn for 60 seconds then it will spawn approximately 30 seconds after disappearing, so you may want to increase the spawn time in order to give yourself more time to interlock). However, you may find that sometimes it'll take longer to disappear or won't disappear at all. To avoid this I have found a few helpful techniques-
    -Don't look at the object, go somewhere else on the map and wait for it to disappear, checking on it every so often.
    -Huck a grenade or two at the object before you leave it alone, for some reason this helps make it disappear.

    When the object reappears you'll beable to access its options and have it spawn at the start of the next round.

    2) The object will not be there at the start of the new round, but it will not reappear after it's spawn time runs out. This is actually quite handy as it gives you all the time you need to interlock, and once you're done and want the object to appear again all you have to do is find it's little white cone forge marker (it'll still be showing when in moniter mode). After the object's spawn time runs out this marker will become accessable. You can press x on it to access the object's options and set it to spawn at the start of the next round. Next round it will spawn normally.

    Here's an example if you're still confused:
    I set a default ramp to not spawn for 60 seconds, then start a new round. Next round it is not there and I place the object that I wish to interlock. Then after 60 second the ramp will still not have spawned but I can now click on it's little white cone and set it to spawn at start (for the first 60 seconds you can see the white cone but not click on it). I then start a new round and Ta-Da!- The 2 objects are interlocked!

    3)When you start a new round, the default object has not only refused to dissappear but it's also returned to the position it was in before you last moved it. Do not worry, and don't try to move it back. It is not permanent and I'll tell you a way to easily get it back to where it belongs, but first I'll tell you it's properties. This object will behave the same way case #1 does- it's options wont' be accessable, it'll disappear after about 30 seconds, and you can help it by hucking grenades at it then leaving it alone. Once the object reaches its spawn time it's options will become accessable, but it will remain in the same position. All you have to do is set it to spawn at start then start a new round. Next round it will be back in it's proper position and will behave normally.

    And here's one more glitch that I found with Sandbox items- but thankfully it only applies when you're making a co-op map.
    Sometimes you'll find that once you load up a friends map, when you set some of their objects to not spawn at start and then start a new round, they will not only still be there, but still have their options accessable too. This only happens to some objects not all (it might only be default ones, but I don't know for sure). These objects just simply refuse to dissappear and so far I have not found anyway around it besides giving it back to your friend who will still beable to make it dissappear.

    It seems that theses objects which refuse to disappear gain a memory for the person that placed them, and only he/she can get them to dissappear.

    So here's an example as I know this is pretty confusing:

    Say you decide to build a co-op map with a friend. He builds his section then sends it to you. You build your section but notice a flaw in his section. You set his object to not spawn at start so you can fix the interlocking but when you start a new round it's still there, and behaves exactly like any object that is set to spawn at start except that when you access its options, it still says that its still not set to spawn at start. You can't find any way to make it dissappear so you send it back to your friend, saying that the map is screwed. Your friend (who originally placed the object) finds that he can still make it disappear. So he fixes the part but notices a flaw in your section and can't get the object that you placed to dissappear. Now he'll have to send the map back to you to fix it. And so on and so forth.

    And so there you have it- my step by step guide for interlocking default items.
    #1 Mander, Aug 16, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2009
  2. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Nice guide, you repeat a couple of things but thats to get it into our heads, plus its also quite a usefull guide for that competition going on using the default items only.

    Sticky guide in 201 me thinks, lets get the ball rolling!
  3. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    I hate to say that it will make your guide 201 worthy, but You need pictures! It might take a bit of your time but it will make your thread a lot more presentable to the public. I'm more of a visual learner anywho.. It is a good guide nonetheless.

    On second thought, I don't think this fits into the 201 category. 201 is for theories on how to make maps better. AKA how to make your gametypes more balanced or an evenly placed weapon set.

    Your thread is a 101 because it is telling people how to merge default objects. I hope you understand what I'm trying to get through to you..
    #3 Spawn of Saltine, Aug 17, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2009
  4. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Ok, well then I'll change the thread topic to forging 101. Thanks for telling me that, I just thought 201 was for the more advanced techniques which I figured this would count for as it only applies to Sandbox.
  5. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Haha finally someone took the time to write a tut on this, i have these problems all the time but know how to fix them i just never wrote it down. lol good job on it its very in depth but id have to agree pictures would help the visual learners.
  6. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    Wow, this is extremely helpful. I've always struggled with managing default items.

    Thanks a lot.
  7. GameVenator

    GameVenator Ancient
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    I read the first couple of paragraphs and then got bored... add pics and it will be great!

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