I'm trading in my gamecube/xbox stuff and all of its games and chords or whatever, and now i'm confused. . .should i get rainbow six vegas or whatever its called. . . which i really want, or guitar hero 3 and controller, which i also really really want. and does anyone know how much i'll get for this? at gamecrazy
If I had a choice between the two, I would choose Rainbow Six Vegas, but only because I don't already have it.
haha, well thtas one way to look at it. i think i'll choose it in the end. depends on how much money i get thoguh.
Read a few reviews for each game(at least two), if you don't want to be disappointed. BTW, is that that Hannah Montana chick in your sig?
OMFG HANNAH MONTANA MAI IDOL I'd pick R6, mainly because after a while, GH3 gets a little stale. However, once they get 'Still Alive' for that too, then get it.
hahaa i think hannah montana is like 2/3 of the worlds economy. and besides that thank you both for your input, i actually did the math, and it turns out i'll have money for both, so, no need to worry. and by the way, the begees are like a Tylenol overdose waiting to happen, its like their huffin helium. but this is a game section not music so i won't complain.
Well, buy both then. They both seem good. I already have GH3, I just suck at it and need to practice.