My avatar is Joe Addai scoring a TD by jumping over his defender. (Colts will be repeat champions!) My sig is something someone made for me at the site I help run, click on it and it will take you there.
my avatar is from my signature. my signature is a pic i took in Halo of my guy on Standoff and i photoshopped my name in.
Hmm... My avatar is from a game called Homeworld,specifically from the Kushan race. It is the best real-time strategy game IMO, though its sequel, Homeworld 2, is also very nice. Im making a new sig, I will only have the achievement generator thing untill I am done...
Render of Dantie from DMC 4 with uber glow effects. The origin in my mind. I did it for no reason and will change it by tomorrow
Some spam from the far reaches of meh hard drives. Save for a silly project about an alphabet using internet slang, heres a sample.... A is fo AFK B is fo BBQ C is fo CYA and z is fo ZOMG
My avatar is of course a naked animated chick straddling a subaru symbol, I found it randomly one day long ago and decided it to be my Avatar, it' been with me everywhere, ever since. As far as my signature, it's just a bunch of random userbars and of course Jedi squirrel.
My avatar comes from the CAD Comic gamer pic pack i bought on xbox live to use as my gamer picture my current sig (water animation) is just somthing i thought looked cool when messing around.
My avatar is because scene girls are my style. I only wish there were some at my school -.- but still, I like other girls, don't get me wrong... seriously don't. My sig is from this button i saw on photobucket, which was this: BEST BUTTON EVAR! Lawl. I just put my name and added or removed a few words after setting up a style on GIMP, and called it my sig. I'm probably gonna make a new sig in a bit, though.
I found this avatar on the internetz when I searched cartoon hobo, I thought it fit well. I got this sig from the duo sig shop. I got the render from planet renders when I went on highest rated renders and the "Serious Business" just fits the image.