Pyramid - By WeededDragon1 This Pyramid on Sandbox includes, A Ground Floor, First Floor, and Second Floor. This Pyramid is also a pretty good size taking up half of the ground floor of Sandbox. Download Link : Halo 3 File Details This map really isn't set up for any gametypes as its "Just for looks."
Eh, it just looks like another pyramid that's pretty much empty. Jimbodawg II is making one currently that I think is unique and awesome, but this, it's just a couple floors that are almost completely empty. The reason I like jimbodawg's is that it has a better gameplay aspect. He made it so that there is cover in the pyramid and objects that you walk around.
its just a bunch of rocks put in a fancy shape with wood inside. theres nothing else to it. try putting walls inside to make rooms and the weapons and then maybe u'll have a map just maybe
Well its just a prymid, although its one of the better ones. The outside isnt that pleasing but you made an inside which is pretty cool. You know if you put a couple more stuff in the map such as barriers and what not, you will have your self and interesting infection map.
2/5 I'll bump up a point because it has an indoor section and the blocks are matching (the alien patterns on the blocks are on the inside on every block), and it has symmetry. But it's also kinda boring. It's not a new idea either. Nice interlocking and symmetry, but nothing awesome. If you want to make it better, follow the advice of one of the above posters and add some more rooms. I suggest gearing it up and making a casual map or minigame map out of it. Maybe some sort of zombie map. If you do plan on doing that, then you should add some structures on the outside too for the attackers to spawn in.
I'm working on fixing this map up, It will have rooms, weapons, and a cannon on the front of it, along with a gametype.
ERMMM.... im not an expert, but i guess he posted this map so anynone interested in making a pyramid could use his template... this is not supposed to be a competitive map... thats why it is in asthietics section. It is empty so anyone using his template can make the rooms at his/her own will or preference (same with weps).
Guys wtf are you slating him and saying, Needs cover, needs weapons, its a goddam aesthetic map, check the section before you slate. Onto the pyramid itself, it looks okay and looks like it was built okay, could use block slants or whatnot and make the outside ramped and just add some aesthetics inside, such as a tomb or something?
fail, i give it a 2/5... Neat interlocking, i suppose, but overall it's not very good for a map built just for looks..
the outside it rugged the inside is dull and empty its overall boring and it doesn't look like you spent anytime on it and you threw it together over all i think its a 2/10
This could be quite good for infection, but could definitely use getting revamped with some internal architecture. Basically stuff to hide behind and whatnot. It's a pretty good starter map if people wanted to custom forge stuff in it themselves or if you wanted to as well. It is your map.
To be honest, this has been done again and again, the outside isn't very nice to look at and this inside is OK but try adding more to the inside and maybe add those 'traingle blocks' (can't remember what they're called) to the outside to make it more of a pyramid. update it with these and the V2 could be a very good infection map.
I am planning to work on a v2 with sloped walls and such, I learnt how to ghost merge the other day. =)