This belongs to the Halo Screenshots section. *Requesting move* BTW, I rated it a deserving score of five. The light on the left is too distracting. There's not much going on. Background is okay but could be better.
i think its really cool. the background is mostly what makes it so too. where are you to get that background?
well, armor i think could be better, also his neck is partially screwed up, though, i like how you lowered your gun, its extremelly simple but i like it, also i like how there is no explosions and also was this taken on blackout or orbital, 8/10 to imrpove just change armor, only have either katana or Security head, also fix the neck then it would be around 9.5
Background: Well its been done quite a few times, but try focusing the camera away from the blinding light on the left side. Armor: take off Katana/ Hayabusa- The armor has a neck plating (turtle neck) which makes your head sink into your armor plating- notice how your chin is merged with your neck.
This is alright, again i wouldn't be the first to say this but i wouldn't have chosen this armor. The security head is just to large if you where looking towards that flare if thats what that is; it could give a glare off of your visor. The kantana body peice is just to complex basic can be a good thing. 6/10 great job on lowering your gun though. Just fix your armor up and if your planning on keeping thaat helmet then you should face towards the light and if you give it the right angle it will look great. -also orange it was on orbital.