xT Game Over Tx screenshots

Discussion in 'Screenshot Discussion' started by xT Game Over Tx, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. xT Game Over Tx

    xT Game Over Tx Ancient
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    Just a couple that i took that i kinda like:
    ↑ Flubber

    Headshot ↓

    Of The Dead ↓

    A computer Virus magnified 7600x ↓

    In my Head (the darker part on the right looks kinda like a face.) ↓

    Geist ↓

    FLurry ↓

    Creator ↓

    Invader ↓

    Download if, like me, you don't put up with bullcrap. ↓

    Itz teh Big Dipper ↓

    thats the best of the best that i have.. tell me what you think in the reply thing down there ↓
    My personal favorite is Flubber.
  2. ShaggyxChipmunk

    ShaggyxChipmunk Ancient
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    not that good...no good effects or poses...sorry man
  3. xT Game Over Tx

    xT Game Over Tx Ancient
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    seriously? effects hmmm... flubber with the green thing? your right anyone can do that. and pose to look like im holding it
    boom headshot?______________________________________ ↑ Sarcasm ↑
    thats a good pose. effect is just a spike from a spike grenade but only bad thing is a bubble sheild in the way i guess
    Voices in my head?
    tell me thats not a good effect... unless you can send me a pic that also gets smoke from a grenade to make a picture.
    Geist - Invader
    how do you consider those not good poses?
    Booted is just supposed to be funny. nothing special
    OHH SNAP Itz teh big dipper...again find me something that you did that uses the explosion from a flare to make a famous star formation..... oh btw im posing in that one like a double take....
    if you dont like them thats fine. dont just come into someone's thread and just say some random made up stuff. at least put in something like "in my opinion" the only reason you are commenting is to give some critisism, not opinions.
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    First thing- dont pose with the Katana- it makes a picture seem less action packed/ badass because it looks like a metallic ninja is on the screen...
    Second: A majority of the backgrounds in the pictures are blank black or white with nothing happening (7/11)- thats incredibly dull.

    Shaggy is right about some of the pictures though... not all:

    Im taking a guess about Flubber- its a charged Plasma Pistol or a Fuel Rod? The pose is from you throwing equipment. There is a ton of black space on the side- try zooming in a bit more.

    Invader- a pyramid with a guy outside with a BR... not everyone creates a pyramid in the backround, but the pose is exactly the same as anything else.

    Flurry- its just nova with a blank backround- incredibly basic and its like a ton of other pics....

    Booted- thats very funny- I personally hate when people have things in their file share saying "put this in your fileshare if you think this is cool" because its a lame excuse to get a popular picture... No one has any interest if a person likes to boot people and advertises it in their file share.

    although it may be your intension- Flurry, Geist, Voices and Invader are incredibly blurry- that ruins the figure because the figure cannot be seen clearly- EX: look at invader, the figure's head is almost completely white because the effect is too blurry for the visor.

    Boom headshot isnt original because they have had Bungie favorite pictures that are almost exactly the same- big explosion outside the sniper barrel...
    #4 Loscocco, Aug 18, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2009
  5. xT Game Over Tx

    xT Game Over Tx Ancient
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    i know what the problem is here. you two have probably looked at alot of screenshots. you've seen alot of variety. alot of the stuff you've mentioned is what i tried to do intentionally. like in the flurry and invader and especially geist. your right. nothing special was done to get these screenshots but if you just look at them and not how original/basic they are. imo there still really cool.
    to answer your question i have no idea what the green thing in flubber is. i took it a while ago. the majority of these screenshots are made in that one bungie favorites "screenshot room" map.
    and your right the whole "download if you do this/that" is really bad. that was actually the pirpose of the screenshot cuz i'd send it to 1. people in party that were just annoying and 2. people that'd send those annoying sceenshots of some recon guy and say recommend to 15 people etc..
    umm yeah. the invader one was intended to have it be that blurry. instead of it being just a regular guy (me) in front of a pyramid, its a guy with a funny looking head (pen and ink + security) and holding a br and posed like he just got off of the pyramid and is about to (idk) invade something or something.
    That is true though. i just pictued the screenshots without the katana and i'd say they'd be better too. thanks.

    IN CONCLUSION: ANYtime i put up screenshots here there never meant to be criticized (or however you spell it) because im not going to change the way i take screenshots (except for the katana thing) and i mainly just put them up here if anyone likes them.
    #5 xT Game Over Tx, Aug 18, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2009

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