Balancing Weapons As everyone here knows, one thing a map needs is weapons. And not only weapons, but those weapons need to be balanced. In symmetric maps, balancing weapons is easy. Put them the same distance away from respawn and starting points, and have them the same weapons, and it is considered symmetric. So, if Red team starts out, let's say, a double box away from a BR, and 6 double boxes and they have to turn a corner to get to a Sniper Rifle, the Blue team should have to start a double box away from a BR and 6 double boxes and a corner away from a Sniper Rifle. In asymmetric maps, though, they usually have different weapon layouts and different weapons. Though asymmetric balancing may seem harder than than balancing symmetric maps, it is actually much easier. If one team has a Sniper or Beam Rifle which are both meant for ultra long range, the other team should have A Shotgun, Sword or Mauler to hit them back. And to counter a BR or Carbine would be a Magnum, to counter a rocket would be Plasma or Assault Rifles. Now, an asymmetric map can also have weapons on both sides, with differing or the same weapon layouts, but of same class. Balancing on these maps is just as easy as both of the described. Specific classes are listed below: Heavy Ordinance- Rocket Launcher, Fuel Rod Gun, Brute Shot, Spartan Laser, Machine Gun Turret, Plasma Cannon Medium-Long Range- BR, Carbine, Magnum Sniper- Sniper Rifle, Beam Rifle, Spartan Laser, Sentinel Beam Pistol- Plasma Pistol, Magnum, Mauler Shotguns- Shotgun, Mauler Assault- Assault Rifle, Shotgun, Plasma Rifle, Machine Gun Turret (detached), Plasma Cannon (detached), SMG, Spiker, Sentinel Beam Light Weaponry- SMG, Plasma Rifle, Magnum, Plasma Pistol, Mauler, Spiker Close Range- Energy Sword, Gravity Hammer, Shotgun, Mauler Equipment- Power Drain, Flare, Radar Jammer, Plasma Grenade, Firebomb Grenade, Spike Grenade, Frag Grenade, Grav Lift, Deployable Cover, Regenerator, Bubble Shield, Trip Mine, Overshield, Active Camo, Custom Powerup Covenant- Plasma Rifle, Plasma Pistol, Energy Sword, Brute Shot, Spiker, Mauler, Fuel Rod Gun, Plasma Cannon, Gravity Hammer, Beam Rifle, Carbine, Power Drain, Flare, Radar Jammer, Plasma Grenade, Firebomb Grenade, Spike Grenade, Grav Lift, Deployable Cover, Regenerator, Custom Powerup, Overshield, Active Camo Human- SMG, Assault Rifle, Magnum, Frag Grenade, Trip Mine, Bubble Shield, Frag Grenade, Sniper Rifle, Battle Rifle, Spartan Laser, Rocket Launcher, Machine Gun Turret, Shotgun As you can see, there is a diversity of classes. There are weapons in mroe than one class (excluding Human and Covenant), and they can be used as such listed. Hopefully this helps you in making and balancing your maps.
This is common knowledge,if you want into forging 201 you should go more indepth. I dont know how,but You should.
Well where else would it fit? Forging 101 or just keep it here? And I didn't really know, just trying to help people with balancing. And I heard that Forging 201 was for balance and very complex forging techniques, so I thought this should go in. Trying to start it off, after all. If it belongs in Forging 101, can a mod please move it there?
In order to get your own guide into Forging 201(or 101 for that matter,) your guide must be of the highest quality. That section is reserved for in-depth, information, and well constructed guides that explain map design concepts. To clear up something, all physical forging guides (Interlocking, Geomerging, etc.) are to be placed in 101. This guide has a good idea, but it is not very indepth. Basically, you explain little and list the weapons. Balancing maps is not just about having equal access and counters. Sure, teams need equal access to some weapons, but balancing is so much more. You have to balance the weapon with other weapons, geometry, and spawn locations. For example, if you added a sniper rifle to B3 on Blackout, it would make that area extremely overpowered. Counters are a good thing to have, but don't forget about weapons that compliment areas. Try going indepth.
Oh. Well, I'll try finding a way to go more in depth, but as said before it's pretty much unknown to me (and halo kid) how to go more in depth. But if it requires, I'll try to.
I like the guide and all. But try and make a banner, perhaps label each section. Get pictures of each individual step. Make it kind of like a signature guide in the arts section. Or, even better. Try and make a guide covering something not covered before, or covered poorly.
Thanks for the suggestion, but just in case someone who reads this hasn't been following me, Halo 3's scratched for me. So I can't do a picture guide until ODST comes, but labeling and going a little more in depth is possible.
Well, in my example I said that a sniper would overpower B3. Why is that? B3 offers a height advantage as well as long lines of sight. Obviously, perfect for a sniper. Therefor, placing a sniper there would create poor flow and that area would be overpowered.
listen dawg this is what i do. ill make a map and throw some buildings in it ya feel me? ill put a sniper on some roof to kill peps going to the middle of the map where i got a rocket launcher. Thats my heavy weapon balancing idea. or ill make a fusion coil fall on top of the rockets at random to send dem hatas flying.