Stretch V1 Stretch was inspired by Halo: CE map Longest. It has 2 bases each located at the end of a hallway. The base floor and second floor of the hallway are cut in half. The 3 Floor is only accessible via a man cannon located at each base. Weapons on map: Sniper x2 180 sec respawn Sword x1 180 sec respawn Shotgun x2 no clips 180 sec respawn Mauler x2 1 clip 180 sec respawn BR x10 30 sec respawn Carbine x4 30 sec respawn SMG x4 30 sec respawn Needler x2 30 sec respawn Spiker x4 30 sec respawn Plasma pistol x2 30 sec respawn Brute shot x1 1 clip 120 sec respawn Equipment on Map: Invis x1 180 sec respawn Overshield x1 180 sec respawn Spike Grenade x6 10 sec respawn Plasma Grenade x4 10 sec respawn Firebomb Grenade x2 30 sec respawn Frag Grenade x4 10 sec respawn This map Supports: Team Slayer ( 2 teams ) FFA Assault ( 1 or 2 bomb, No neutral ) CTF ( multi or 1 flag, no Neutral ) KOTH Hallway View from Base 1 Hallway View from Base 2 3rd Floor Middle and 1 Sniper Hallway I hope you enjoy this map. TYVM for looking at it
you need a link to your Bungie thread. No one can DL it as of now. Welcome to Forge Hub though, I hope you find yourself at home!
my bad i made sure to give a good review of the map but forgot the link, i fixed it, the link is at the very top of the map