Un-Named Competetive Map Created by XxSpeedDemonxX Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer Possibly CTF Well everyone, Hello and I'm Mike [XxSpeedDemonxX]. This is my first serious attempt at a competitive map on sandbox and I've chosen to create it in the sky bubble. At the moment my file share lacks the capacity for another map, so I figured I'd take the screen-shots anyway and put up a map preview! To start out i used the Stacked Money Glitched Canvas, and I completely MAXED out the map. Leave comments on what you think, because I'm debating removing an old mini-game map from my fileshare to be replaced with this. Also, I'm still struggling to find a name for this map..so if you have any suggestions I'll gladly take them and give full credit when this is posted. The Map General Overview Blue Base Red Base Blue Spawn Red Spawn Center/Sword Spawn MG Tower The T-Tunnels (Entrance to Bottom Of Bases and MG Towers) Bottom of base/Snipe spawn 1/4 Identical Elbows connecting the Bases with the MG Towers
Overall it looks good so far, but the bases themselves look highly original. Try to spice them up a bit, and give it a redesign and perhaps a little reworking. Other than that, it looks good so far, and testing will tell if the map plays as good as it looks.
Have to say it looks very good. Not to keen on the effects personaly. Also i would suggest doing what ChAoTiC I suggested.