Me and my friend nick were bored of making halo video so we decided to start making IRL videos and this is our first one. YouTube - Girly Socks Tell me what you think and Please rate comment and subscribe.
Hmm. I laughed at the part where he clicks on the t.v. However, two things made it look pretty amature. Pauses inbetween people talking were a bit long in some parts because you didn't cut between clips correctly. Also, when zooming in on the tv, the camera shook. Good actors, bad editing.
It shows that you like a person's videos. If you subscribe to someone on Youtube, you will get their videos to show up on your Youtube homepage whenever they release a new video. For example, I subscribed to Stealth and he released this video. It popped up on Youtube when I went there and I was one of the first viewers. /facepalm