Since I have signed up here at forge hub I have a posted a few maps and one thing has occurred to me. It seems to me that competitive maps are really fun to forge, you can go all out, geo-merging, placing cover, multiple levels, tunnels, etc. Then once you have finished (or before, it depends) you think of a really catchy and suitable name for the map. Then comes a description and you've finished. After completing this whole project you log on to forge hub and spend another half hour or more presenting your map nicely, making it appealing for the forge hub community. Then SUBMIT, and you wait to see what people think of it. You find after doing all this work that people are just not that interested. It could be the best competetive map in the world but people just dont want to play customs on competetive maps (I beleive). Personally, and a lot people that I have seen in real life and over xbox live, prefer to play fun custom games, like infection types (the list goes on) and other original and fun maps. Not boring slayer games which they can do on matchmaking. Just speaking what I beleive is true, I'm not trying to deter anyone from their ideas, I'm just opening up the general public. Thanks for reading Crypto nv
Very true, in my case. I don't play Halo as much anymore, but when I do, It's never matchmaking, and the only reason I'd play default game variants in customs is if I have nothing else to do. I got bored of default games like that very fast after Halo 3 came out, simply because I got all that out of my system during Halo 2.
This has been brought up many times and the general consensus is: Forge because you want to make something and not because you want people to enjoy it. If you enjoy your map then that's all that matters and nothing more. Download count is a fake meaningless number.
i can see where your coming from, but i mostly only play competitive maps. MLG is the ****, the occasional infection/other gametype/map is fun, but i prefer competitive gametypes/maps. But, on this site you are right, i can safely say the majority of people here want minigames/infection/objective based gametypes and maps. So, yeah.. Its mixed.
It depend on your crowd,if you want people the like competitive,get people that like that to play and comment,not the nine year old that loves fat kid. Long story short,it depend on the people playing. And even then it doesnt really matter,as long as ou are happy with your work it doesnt depend on what people think.
Well, I don't really care what I play, but I'm a nice party leader. Someone vetoes a slayer game, I give him 10 chances or else he gets booted (unless I know him as a friend). I usually play infection, due to the fact I'm party leader 1/10 games I play. I'm starting to play matchmaking because I wanna just slay people and win at that. Also, I like to get better unlike infection, where it's always fat kid. Cops n' robbers is good for practicing ninja'ing peeps. But as Halo 3 is scratched, me ain't playing nothing but UFC,Rainbow Six and Halo Wars.
I remember I posted my first map and got 4 downloads. Dont worry it happens to everyone. If you want a good download number then you have to be legitimately good at forge and you have to make a map that is truly unique from the rest.
Benji, it kinda does since you want people to download your map and play on it, and to get it reviewed. Those are the reasons you post it here. But I may be being too loose, I guess some people don't give a **** about it.
It's not so much that people don't want to play competitive maps, it's that there are so many competitive maps, that people have sort of had enough of them; the only maps anyone will download are the truly original ones. Everything else is simply nothing we haven't seen before.