Sandbox Bridge of Joust

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Orbiter891, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
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    Okay i'm making the Topic to help my map out because i'm showed to it alot of people and they thought it was kinda basic but fun, and i want to know what the people of Ghosts Of Onyx think of my map. It's called "Bridge of Joust" and the gametype is called "Bridge"

    Map Link:

    Game type Link:

    So if you do try the map out please send me a message or write a comment of this Topic tell me what you thought of the map.

    "Bridge of Joust" and the gametype that goes with it "Bridge". This map takes place in the Sky bubble of Sandbox, and there is 2 spawn places for each team (Red & Blue), and each are marked with red or blue columns and the red or blue balls. Each side gets a choice of 4 different vehicles, A Mongoose, A Warthog, A Chopper, And a Ghost. Each side has a ramp that leads up to this bridge that only has room for one vehicle and they ram each other and as it says in the descripition The Winner will rise and the Loser will fall to his death. I have showed this map to alot of friends that have the mythic maps and they love it. And now about the gametype. The Starting weapons are a Sparten Laser and an Energy Sword, but you can do any damage, you also start with 2 frag gernades. The game goes up to 10 and there is no time limit, you lose one point if you jump off the edge or drive off the edge. other than that the settings are normal.

    These are pictures of The map Bridge of Joust.

    Red Vehicles

    Red Spawn

    Blue Vehicles

    The Real Brige

    Blue Spawn
  2. Roy the Hunter

    Roy the Hunter Ancient
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    Looks ok.... I would say the bridge looks a little uneven...also the gametype still shouldn't have a Splazer even is 0 damage noobs might think it does and camp with it.... And finally doesn't the chopper always win? My suggestion is First Remove the laser from gametype and also remove chopper.... 3.5/5 Sry its a lot like any warthog war....
  3. boomerdude

    boomerdude Ancient
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    dull done plenty of times...............its pointless for some of the vehicles u should have just left it with warthogs and idk but it does look a bit uneven this is your second post ill give you that its not horrible Ive seen much worse but keep trying...
  4. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
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    The results for the joust are most of the time random when i play. sometime the driver of the chopper loses control or boosts at the wrong time and the warthog wins or the ghost goes over it.
  5. Snict

    Snict Ancient
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    Ok this idea is been done so many times its getting very boring. Right the map!. The road looks a little bumpy but otherwise good. I think you should get rid of the shelter
    when you spawn. People could camp in there(just to be an ass) and never die but I like the asthetics on the spawning place.
    OK scoring time.
    For originality:1/5 this idea is been done lots of times.
    Gameplay: Athough its been done the "Gladiator element" is still there 4/5
    Asthetics: Pretty bland but an extra poit for the cute download pictures(lol) 3/5
    Orverall:3/5 Decent.
  6. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes i know the bridge is uneven at points, i will be fixing the map later but right now i'm on vacation and won't concern myself with video games.

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