Sandbox Intrepid

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Mongoose Tracks, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. Mongoose Tracks

    Mongoose Tracks Ancient
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    Intrepid (V2 now up! Please redownload!!)

    Made By- lil kyle 15
    Map- Sandbox
    Gametype- Racetracks and all Battle Track gametypes
    Time- 43 Sec.
    Descriptiopn- This is a very fast paced track on the map Sandbox thats made in the middle section. It is around 43 seconds long and works very good for racetracks and aslo works good for Battle Tracks. This track features a bunch of banked turns as well as a banked hill. It has a jump after the finish line and is uncheatable. Thanks to Spectacular Ra and oO SLIK Oo for helping me with the track path for where it should go and helping make the starting gate. Thank you... well I hope you like it and here are some pictures of the map!













    Download- Download
    #1 Mongoose Tracks, Aug 17, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2009
  2. SpeedDemon

    SpeedDemon Ancient
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    To Sum It Up

    • Aesthetics: 4.5/5
    • Playability: 5/5

    First off, I'd like to state that even though race maps are very complicated I'm not a very big fan of them simply because i think they're all the same.

    With this thought, I read the first lines of your post and prepared myself for a boring run of the mill race map. But I was greatly impressed by the aesthetics of the first picture [mongoose garage.] I also love the extreme amount of lighting contrast between pictures 2 & 6 [red/blue turns]

    Also I'd like to note that I'm also impressed with your finish line in picture 8.

    For not being a fan of race maps you have my download, nice work hope to see more from you very soon!!! :)

  3. jmeyer31392

    jmeyer31392 Ancient
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    looks like every other race map to me....the same
  4. boomerdude

    boomerdude Ancient
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    i like the contrast as told before with the dark blue and the bright red that's very different from others and the ending looks nice i hope it works too..(100%) of the time.... the only problem is the beginning you have to make a hard left and i think it should fuse in with the track so you dont have to be so agressive with the mongoose but good job overall
  5. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    The second link is broken. How could you do the first link right and then screw up on the second one? Fix it with this. Aren't I the helpful one?
    As for your map, I like the mongoose garage that provides cover for spawning players so that they cannot get shot at from everywhere on the map. The map itself is forged to perfection, and all of the turns are well executed. The aesthetics are solidly thought out, and the weapons layout is very balanced. I could find nothing wrong with the map. 5/5
  6. Mongoose Tracks

    Mongoose Tracks Ancient
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    haha wow thanks for the help lol and Im glad you guys are liking the map just make sure you download the V2 cause the elevator is fixed and the destination isnt cheatable now... Thanks!

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