The first is awesome! The second one is nice aswell. The third is good but has been done before. Good work!
I love the first one.. Im still a sucker for scenery shots. The second one is pretty rad, and the third says alot of things..
Thanks. I, personally, like the first one the best. I found a new technique to use in campaign with that shot. I loved how I got it to be Black and White and the cloud effect.
The first shot is beastly, like bungie favorites good. The effect in the second screenshot is incredible as well. We need to get together so you can start teaching me these new effects. The third one is kind of boring, but the effect once again is pretty cool. Nice job MIRAJ
The first shot is really really good. The other two are meh, but thats all just my opinion. There's nothing wrong with any of them.
First is nice, but could use more landscape. Second is EPIC. Very unique effect which I haven't seen before. Tutorial. NAO. Third is boring :| Not much going on.
I realy like that first one. Nicely done on it. The second one reminds me of Metal Gear Solid 3. Looks like on of the camo patterens from that game. And the fish, eh, right on.
second and third ones r really nice. the third one really has a nice balance between solid black and solid white.
I think the first one is the best. It looks like some high hilltops in japan or something. The second and third are good too but I really like the first one.
BDU Mark VI armor in a jungle = BEASTLINESS! Camo Chief is the best to me, and the first seems pretty cool. And yea, Camo Chief reminds me of MGS3.