Yep Elder Scrolls V is not going to be made. The head honcho of Bethesda says so. Speculation though makes out that Bethesda is working on an Elder Scrolls MMO. This came in just yesterday Bethesda Not Working On Elder Scrolls V, But Possibly Elder Scrolls MMO | GameLife | Personally I think Bethesda got worn out after making Oblivion and Fallout 3 so they are taking a break from that and making a new MMO, that I hope will be on the 360.
i've seen alot of these articles some saying there wont be TES V and some saying they wont talk about it and some saying yes. I would love to see TES V (even though it may not happen) because i loved to play Oblivion all the time. but i also think that a new MMO would also be pretty cool
Some people say there will be some say there won't be and it's starting to confuse me. Personaly i hope they won't make another because i find they just get boring after a while and Bethesda should really be moving on to work on somthing else.
Trust me they are making one. Benji's link is a blog from a Bethesda employee and they said they are definitely making another.
The problem is, Bethesda doesn't tell all of its workers everything. Some are under the notion it is under way, some think its not. Others that might or might not be working on it don't bother sending out memos and such, and keep to themselves. It probably is, and I think both the theory of an MMO and a RPG are correct at the same time. But its not a MMORPG. It will be a normal RPG with an Arena thats MMO, maybe a tradehouse thats MMO, and who knows what else. The arena will have a system where you set rules such as whether or not you want CE items, other enchanted items, potions, ingredients, ranged weapons, armor, spells, weapons (mage only fight), etc...... and you get to not only see the main level of a possible opponent, but the skill levels (so that you don't fight a level 1 with primary skills being magic but he only raises melee skills to not level up but be good)
On G4's Xplay, they said that Bethesda meant that they are postponing the Elder Scrolls series, as more people want Fallout, so they might work on a fifth when they are done with Fallout. Then it will repeat it's self, switching between games, as fads fall in and out. Oh, and if they released an MMO, they might never make another game for a while, because MMO's need constant supervision, and they would have to buy enough servers to keep it going, as you know that with Bethesda's name on it, people will buy it like crazy. MMO's are really expensive.
Nah, the MMO is being made by a separate group of people than those that would make Fallout/Elder Scrolls sequels.
The MMO i am thinking of wouldn't need too many servers, as everybody would be playing the RPG part and use the "arena" to just relax or see how they match up against others...
I would really love to see a TES V based in Elsweyr and Valenwood. There are just so many things they can improve upon after what they did with Oblivion that I really hope the extra wait for TES V will mean that they're putting in the extra effort to live up to what Morrowind once was.
^ Wow I just realised from your name you are a huge fan of TES, your name being a false god of morrowind... Bethesda copyrighted "Skyrim" when oblivion came out so thats probably it. Theres speculation of "Summerset Isles" cause the lore behind it: Lore:Summerset Isle - UESPWiki Skyrim is the Nord place and Summerset is the High Elf place
As long as Bethesda keeps making RPGs, I'm okay with them. Didn't they make KOTOR? They should make more KOTOR games!
Well, Bioware should keep making KOTOR games. Elder Scrolls 5 won't be made, but that doesn't mean it will never be.