Stargate Wars

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Revelation-Six, Apr 9, 2008.

  1. Revelation-Six

    Revelation-Six Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Stargate Wars ~ Created for the Group Mjolnir Battle Tactics.

    ** Update: I loaded v.2 with corrections to the alpha zombie spawn and a teleporter glitch that had been reported. **

    Download Stargate Wars v. 2

    In 1928, during an excavation in Giza, Egypt, a colossal coverstone is uncovered, which houses a stone ring underneath it. The stone ring is transported to the United States for study, however soon after, the United States Military takes possession of the ring. Many years later a scientist studying the ring discovers perhaps the greatest secret in the history of humanity. The ring is actually a functional device that, when properly used, can open an Einstein-Rosen Bridge or “wormhole” to other planets. The ancient Egyptians called the ring “Stargate.” A military expedition is sent through the wormhole to evaluate the danger of posed by the device. They soon discover an aggressive species called the Goa’uld. The Goa’uld are a powerful symbiotic alien that requires a human “host” for survival. As such, they seek to subjugate all human-kind in their quest for power and domination.

    The year is now 2008. The Goa’uld are positioned to attack Earth but one thing stands in their way. The United States military has employed an alien defense system that poses a very serious threat to an invading Goa’uld force. The key to activate this defense system is housed at Stargate Command at the Cheyenne Mountain Complex. The Goa’uld have infiltrated the SGC with one of their own. Due to their symbiotic nature, the Goa’uld are able to control their human host without being easily discovered. The Goa’uld spy has sabotaged the Stargate, preventing the SGC from closing the wormhole or the iris. Stargate Command is now faced with a Stargate opened directly to the Goa’uld homeworld and must defend against the impending invasion.

    You are humanity’s last line of defense. Can you protect the SGC against a Goa’uld onslaught or is Earth doomed to become another enslaved planet?
    Lock and load. They Goa’uld are coming!

    Map Variant: Stargate Wars v.2

    This map is a recreation of Stargate Command. The map contains a Gateroom and a Command Center with two access points. To the rear of the Command Center is the Garage. The Command Center has a complete view of the Stargate and any incoming Goa’uld. The Stargate is the most realistic gate created using the Halo 3’s forge. It is the same designed used in my MBT Stargate map variant. Various forging techniques have been implemented…, including the ever-popular interlocking method. While the map takes place on Foundry, you will find little evidence of this. The map is almost completely enclosed. It is virtually unbreakable.

    Game Variant: Stargate Wars

    The Goa’uld are easy to identify in their golden battle armor. Careful though… the Goa’uld have a number of weapons at their disposal whereas you have only a battle rifle and sidearm. If the Goa’uld overpower you, a symbiote will be implanted and you will join the ranks of the Goa’uld. Beware. They are a ruthless race.

    The Goa’uld (Zombies) can pick up weapons. Four Goa’uld weapons (Fuel Rod Cannons) are available for pickup at the Goa’uld spawn. Due to the power of the Fuel Rod Cannon, the weapon damage has been dialed back for the Zombies. In addition, Goa’uld spawn with one of the following; brute shot, brute hammer and needler. Goa’uld also have one more trick up their sleeve. They are slightly more powerful for a short time after spawning. This is to prevent blatant camping at the Stargate… a problem that came up frequently during play testing. Several other problems were noted and corrected during play testing. For instance, the Stargate teleporter is no longer blockable. Goa’uld armor was designed to be resistant to energy weapons, however projectile weapons such as the humans use are much deadlier. As such, one shot to the head of a Goa’uld is lethal.


    Map Layout




    Gateroom – Left Side:


    Gateroom – Right Side:


    Gateroom – Left Side and Command Center:


    Command Center viewed from Gateroom:


    Command Center Access – Left Side:


    Command Center Access – Right Side:


    Interior of Command Center – Rear View:


    Interior of Command Center – Frontal View:


    Garage – Last Stand:


    View of Command Center from Garage:



    Don’t forget to download the gametype: Stargate Wars

    Also available for download: MBT Stargate.
    #1 Revelation-Six, Apr 9, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2008
  2. xpri2

    xpri2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow thats original to say the least im downloading =)
  3. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
    Senior Member

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    THis is a very good Stargate.
    #3 Bottlecap, Apr 9, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2008
  4. halo warrior95

    halo warrior95 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey how do i download this map there is no download now thing
  5. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    Yay! you made it better! I shall give Round Two a download, and will get back with feedback.

    By the way, it's almost as pathetic that I understood all of the stargate references as it is that you gave them all.

    For the alpha zombie spawn locations, in the map switch the gametype to 'Infection,' make Start Points on the other side of the gate, and make sure you set them to 'Attackers.' That should work.
  6. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    map is amazingly neat, and well put together. That great wall of text at the beginning should probably be shrunk down, otherwise it feels like you are reading a book, not viewing a map. I admit that I didn't read it, but from the pics I don't really see weapons placed around, which might not make the map as fun as it could be.

    EDIT: I just finished reading all the text and I can say that this map looks very promising for a fun game of infection. The stargate looks great. A really good quality map from a new user.
    Stories for maps aren't always the best idea because they take away focus on the map. I look forward to seeing other maps from you :)
    #6 gobbles, Apr 9, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2008
  7. Revelation-Six

    Revelation-Six Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Eh, the story was more for Stargate fanatics, of which, there are quite a few... let me tell ya. You wouldn't believe the number of friend requests I got after releasing my first Stargate map.

    Be warned though... the only weapons available on the map are at the Zombie spawn. I did this half intentionally and half do to budget constraints. I was trying to create this map specifically for Zombies. No other variants were given consideration. I know that seems very limiting and you'd be right to say so.

    I wanted to create a specific scenario AND try to capture the intense fun that I had playing Zombies on Foundation from Halo 2. Holding up in a room trying to blast away at the onslaught of zombies... I'm not sure why, but I could do that for hours. Hopefully I've captured a little of that here.
  8. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    Next time you make a map, make sure you use the unlimited budget glitch, so you have money left for weapons.
  9. Revelation-Six

    Revelation-Six Ancient
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    Yeah, I know.... I was certain somebody would say that. I'm just lazy and like to delete stuff as I'm building. With the unlimited money glitch, deleting is a no-no. I was messing around with the unlimited money glitch and 3/4 of the way through the map, I deleted something accidentally. That pretty much ruined that map since I also saved before realizing what I had done. Ugh! But, you're right. I could have done a lot more with this map had I used it.

    By the way, somebody rated this map 5 stars. w00t!!! I love you guys. I really do. :p
    #9 Revelation-Six, Apr 10, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2008
  10. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Do you plan on fixing the zombie spawn or do you like the 'spy' format? If you're keeping it the way it is I'll download, otherwise I'll wait for the update.
  11. Revelation-Six

    Revelation-Six Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm going to fix it this afternoon.
    Shock Theta likes this.
  12. Snipers Stealth

    Snipers Stealth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow... I have got to say, this does look VERY good. The attention to detail is great, and the interlocking makes it even better.
    Great job!
  13. Revelation-Six

    Revelation-Six Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I uploaded Stargate Wars v.2. Corrections were made to the alpha zombie spawn as well as a teleporter glitch that was reported. It appears that the teleporter being upside down forced player to appear above the Stargate rather than entering through the Stargate. This has been corrected.
  14. Carter C

    Carter C Guest

    Carter's Amazing Map Reviews:
    Description: 5/5
    Pictures: 4/5 [no overview]
    Map idea: 4/5
    Map quality: 5/5

    Comments: I liked the first one, so obviously this was going to be good too. It could perhaps be better with weapons around the base, but apart from that- awesome.

    Overall: 4.5/5 [but I round up]


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