I knew the first part. I've been gone for a while and missed all the rest.
Oh boy. What did I miss?
I'll have to personally thank Kynan for that little tidbit later.
That may be, but it seems to be of no use here.... unless theater has been updated with effects for green screen. My question is does it have any...
Hey there Forge Hubbers! As you all have already heard, Forge Island has been released today. Everyone has spent their time exploring these...
...I-I.... I... I LOVE IT! I thought it was small when I first gazed upon it, and figured it was some sort of sick april fools joke but damn was I...
Wow I missed a lot while I was gone. Hi CF-GF. Name's Zow Jr. I'm an old buddy of your bf Flamingo here.
Wonder what's with the community of FH's new troll attitude. I didn't really do anything to piss anyone off, nor have I ever tried to. This has...
Well... Marvelous was part of my original name but... the rest is garbage. Looks like he still doesn't like it.